The Owners - FSG

I know it’s Neville who is probably going to change his mind once Saudi drop him a couple of quid…but the ruling regime owns 80% of Newcastle and are the “major investors” in clearlake Chelsea majority ownership …

Really are buying into this big time…what can uefa do just out of curiosity…as FIFA will be loving the cash rolling in surely?

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Nothing I suspect. You can’t stop a foreign business spending money in its own country. Yes UEFA could change their rules to ban them from playing in Europe again (and maybe FIFA) and maybe major international comps.

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And this bit, I don’t see anything inherently wrong with. It’s not a market distortion as they are completely different markets. It does potentially deprive European leagues of some top players but this is no different to European leagues taking players from South America, Africa and so on.

It only becomes a problem when that money is competing directly with external competition - in cricket, could you imagine if the Indian Premier League wanted to field a side in the English County Championship?

Knowing the ECCB’s propensity for gaining money, I’d imagine they’d leap at the opportunity.

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Just seems to me to be an elaborate way of money laundering

Wheres the Cadburys money John?

Something about a sweet deal on the cards.


Don’t say it too loud…maybe wispa it

All this money coming, can’t pretend to be prudent anymore John, we have you by the curly whirly now…

And now we can sign Mbappe and give him a Twirl

We could do with that Boost John

Buying players is no Picnic John

endless puns

This deal’s in another galaxy. You don’t know wether to stick or twix sometimes.

Quietly snickers at all the bad puns.

Fucks sake. Loads of posts in a thread, and it’s just shit puns

Yeah seeing all this ‘tosh’ was hard for me to digestive too.

Reaction Confused GIF

What about Red Bull?

It gives you wings mate.

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a pun a day helps you work, rest and play (this is one for the teenagers!)

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UEFA hashed it out with both parties that summer. They came to this agreement after the clubs did some restructuring to create clearly distinctions between the clubs that had no one in a decision making capacity straddling that line. Most people were pretty dissatisfied with it, and the subsequent close relationship belies any idea that they are truly independent. But this mad scramble being done over a summer is why UEFA are being more proactive about it now.

That was Limiescouse’s core point - they are moving ahead of the Red Bull problem.

I posted before reading the other posts

I think the Saudi investment in buying up players is a form of sports washing that is attempting to win goodwill across multiple teams.

Newcastle bought and paid for, check.

Now other teams who might be in a financial pickle? Or might like to make some unrealistic cash by having the Saudis pay well over the odds for their players? Check.

I even found myself the other day wondering if there are any of our players, who don’t have much market value, who I wouldn’t mind the Saudis buying, over the odds, in order to help Jurgen with his squad refresh.

It’s how sport washing works. They start to get you thinking like that.