The Owners - FSG


Plus United lost about 5% every season when they missed out on the Champions league,if they hadn’t won the Europa cup and got into the CL through the back door,Adidas were about to take over £25mill a season off them for missing out 3 years in a row.I bet they haven’t removed that clause from the deal.

The lengths some go to again put the owners down. Why not say that the man utd deal previously had 30% reduction if they are not in champions league 2 season or more. When we sign this deal in 2020, it was a British record, where were the praises from these posters then? You know, most people here have constructive criticism of the club, owners, players etc but there are that select few who only appears when they found something to hit the club with.


Oddly correlates very strongly with how often they talk about signing X for £Ybn…


For all we know , Liverpool might still be getting more out of their existing deal than what Man Utd gets for their adidas deal.

The deal is up for renewal in 2025. If there are some numbers given by the club on how much they are earning out of the Nike deal , that’s when they’ll come up in the public domain.

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Growing commercial revenue seems to me to be a fairly weird bone to pick with FSG.

In 2013, LFC was 9th in world football for total revenue, with commercial revenue streams of 99M Euro. ManU was 145M, the leader was Bayern at 200M.

In 2023, LFC was 3rd in world football for total revenue, commercial revenue was 275M. Despite ManU doubling their commercial revenue, LFC had narrowed that gap to 35M. Bayern and Real remain the ‘legitimate’ leaders in that category.

As others have noted, many of LFC’s deals are nearing the end of their cycle, which presents the possibility of gains simply through calibrating to the current market.


Also corresponds with the end of one of our worst seasons of late which is unfortunate timing.

I don’t think any are being negotiated yet, so this season has an opportunity to displace that. Not having CL less than ideal though

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Sadly, the most important thing in football is money as that’s what it takes to win. You’re not now winning without CL football, huge revenues and sponsorship. Or be owned by crazy money with very good lawyers. Leicester’s success is becoming a remnant of a distant romantic memory.

seeing these numbers, what is your opinion? with the “top 6” now becoming a “top 7” with Sandcastle buying their way into the mix, are we able to stay competitive

how do you view the owner’s spending.

  • shrewd
  • frugal
  • just right
0 voters

What are Man Utd getting out of that.

Anthony is one of the worst signings I’ve come across.

Just had a look on rawk FSG thread…many there don’t seem to be to happy :exploding_head:

140m for Anthony and Martinez :exploding_head:

How much did we spend for Konate and Diaz :thinking:

It’s understandable, what would they be happy about?

Champions League?


Oh ok.

We are ultimately shit then.

Thanks for the clarification.

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is the RAWK FSG thread ever happy? Legitimate criticisms aside, that particular thread has seemed like a broken weathervane all along.

You left out the true option - Fraud

no. but for the lack of any movement in our midfield situation last summer (Tchouameni offer aside) we are now in a situation with Michael Edwards departure and his replacement departed and short two players within two weeks of season starting. is it harder to sign CL-quality players without CL games?

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It’s every Liverpool forums, not just RAWK.

Look at SCM - This Summer Decides if we need New Owners? | SixCrazyMinutes - Liverpool FC Fans Forum

Look at the official LFCTV forums - FSG - The Fenway Sports Group Thread - Triquel

It’s wherever you look, whoever you speak to…& a lot of it is with good reason.