The Owners - FSG

Even then there’s nothing to blame them for, until this actually proves to be a handicap.


The answer seems to be that the rules are largely toothless because the mechanisms for enforcement are lacking. It seems to be more of self-policing than anything else.

City will keep dominating as long as they can do as they like, A couple of seasons and newsandcastle can be a dominant force. Arsenal can spend double what we can as can utd and Chelsea throwing money round like confetti. Klopp has to try and compete under strict spending conditions, only a matter of time before we fall behind.

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Isn’t Arsenal’s spending a results of years and years of wage bill reduction and very lottle investment into the team? There was a period of multiple years when Arsenal were using any spare money to pay off the stadium as fast as possible and then theybwaited until they had the young coach they wanted and a clear wage bill to go and splurge.

I don’t think they can keep doing this forever.


5 or 6 years without CL and they still made some expensive signings.


I think that you need to look at our Trophy Wall. We are ‘The Most Successful Club In The Country’.

It’s there for everyone to see. :+1::nerd_face:


Some fans behave as if the desire to win is proprietary to them. Contrary to what some of you want to believe, all of us here, all Liverpool fans around the world want to win. FSG wants to win. Klopp wants to win. Every player here wants to win. But maybe just some of us believe that we win only if we win the way we think is right for us and not regardless and at all costs. You can think otherwise of course, that is your right, but please do not for a moment think that you are of a higher mentality just because you advocate irresponsible spending to win at all costs, without using your own money.


That’s a lot of words, could you show us with a picture? :wink:

Ok…wait…how much are you paying :triumph:

I am still wondering how this thread is so active but none of a few posts here haven’t made it to the Hall of Shame thread.

For an interpretative one within your horse oeuvre - got to be worth millions

You just had to ask didn’t you…

Seagulls incoming!

Seagulls just don’t cut it, I’m afraid…

Don’t cut it? Not when you meet Edward
Sea-ssors-Gull Hand


WTF is that :flushed:

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I have my theories…

Is it the view down the queen’s top when she was much younger in a blue frock with ties on the shoulders?

Dunno… but it looks rude whatever it is :0)

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