The Owners - FSG

That’s what Jota was brought in for in my opinion. Right now we have the usual 3 plus Jota and a couple of guys with limited use. If (and its a huge if) the departure of Firmino and Mane could secure the arrival of Mbappe and the departure of Shaqiri, Origi and Minamino could secure another forward (maybe a Pedro Goncalves or Andre Silva style purchase) that would be a huge win for me. Add Elliott coming back too.

Edit: But this is turning into “who would you buy” sorry. Was supposed to be about the finances the original discussion.


The devil, as usual, is in the detail.

The measure will temporarily introduce increased reliefs for expenditure on plant and machinery. For qualifying expenditures incurred from 1 April 2021 up to and including 31 March 2023, companies can claim in the period of investment:

  • a super-deduction providing allowances of 130% on most new plant and machinery investments that ordinarily qualify for 18% main rate writing down allowances
  • a first year allowance of 50% on most new plant and machinery investments that ordinarily qualify for 6% special rate writing down allowances

The measure also temporarily amends the rules covering expenditure incurred on plant and machinery used partly in a ring fence trade in the oil and gas sector

Consequently the measure does not apply to the likely sort of investments FSG might make in Liverpool i.e. we don’t buy much by way of plant and machinery. :thinking:


I’ve heard that M’Bappe lad described as a machine. :thinking:


Anfield Rd development?

Nice try, but no cocoanut. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Unfortunately the activities of a football club do not conform to the requirements of the Capital Allowances Act 2001, Part 2 Plant and machinery allowances, Chapter 2 Qualifying activities. :face_with_monocle:

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Sadly, in addition to the club failing the qualifying activity test, for the purposes of the Capital Allowances Act 2001, expenditure on the provision of plant or machinery does not include expenditure on the provision of a building.

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Buying loads of gym equipment to put Naby, Matip, Ox and Gomez on?


And all the stuff that they’ve had to put in Gomez, VvD, Matip and the like. Plates, pins, screws…gotta count, surely? :wink:


A massive tow-truck to remove the Ole parked bus from Anfield


I suppose we could claim to be a “transport undertaking” what with all those treadmills and exercise bikes etc.? :thinking:


Aren’t plates, pins, and screws made out of iron and used down mines? :thinking:

So, one possible way of getting around the qualifying activity test, might be by renaming the club e.g.:
“The Liverpool Football Club, Athletic Grounds, Mines, Quarries (including gravel pits, sand pits and brickfields), and Ironworks Ltd”.

It doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue, but it might be worth a try? :crazy_face:


Mbappe is another level of player. He has performed at the highest competitive stages already. He’s a totally special one, not just a young hopeful, and I’d take him in a heartbeat, for whichever price.

With Haaland, I’d be a bit more prudent. He’s an outstanding talent, but has much to prove yet at top level. Not in the same bracket than Mbappe for me.


What about the removal charges for the likes of Benteke etc. :thinking:


If I was you lftikhar, I wouldn’t give up your day job! :wink:


Has he got one? Seems to spend an awful amount of time on here… :thinking:


I thought his day job was on here…
Throwing around ‘likes’ like confetti at a wedding.! :joy:


Hey, I like you lot, a lot :man_shrugging:


You’re single handedly responsible for half my likes maybe more. You keep going!


FSG need to step up in the summer and spend. Lucked out in hiring Klopp and what he’s achieved, but this season so far is pure disaster. Nothing short of it. Shameful.


It’s ironic how FSG always talk about looking out for the long term future of the club. When we didn’t strengthen the team for 2 years when we were on top and pundits, fans and even Stevie Wonder alike was calling for strengthening they were “thinking about the future”. Well that decision might have been okay in the short term, but longer term it seems to have fucked us royally.