The Owners - FSG

This comparison is verboten. I can’t remember why. Something to do with Saudi Arabia or something?

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It’s only when reading a thread like this in a three month chunk that you appreciate the comedy of a lad dropping post after post after post after post claiming that he isn’t allowed to post his views.


It’s often those who claim to be “cancelled” who speak the most.

[quote=“Notasuperfan, post:8245, topic:116, full:true”] We will be forced to play Alexis Macallister at DM until Bajectic is fully fit.

However, I am a very petty man and I keep receipts.

I said all summer that Mac Allister at DM was the plan, not something we would fall into. Lavia would have been a rotation player and Caicedo would have been capable of playing all three midfield roles and even letting us play with a deeper 2 man midfield and allow Trent to play more conventionally - or swap with him during play.

So far Mac Allister is playing at the base of midfield - which was always the plan.


This might be an unpopular opinion but Szoboszlai is right now on par with Peak Gerrard (27-28) and is about 4 years younger.

Way better looking!!


Undoubtedly has better taste in music.

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They were carrying some debt, but until recently, it hadn’t much impact on the club’s finances, as the interest rates were at a historical low. They could take money from the banks at a very low rate, almost zero percent.

But since some time, this has now significantly changed, and it’s smart to not continuing to carry a debt of hundred millions or so.

So, if that minority investment can resolve this problem, it’s good for us going forward.

Freaking hell, it seems that @Klopptimist has finally released you from his cellar. :wink:

Good to see you, mate, welcome back! :+1:

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Yeah, very basic back of the envelope calculation is that eliminating the service costs of carrying that sort of debt in this market essentially pays the transfer fee of one moderately priced player per summer. To give away only a couple of % points of ownership for that added operating flexibility seems a big win on our end. I havent seen enough of who Dynasty are to get a sense of what they get out of any of this though.

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Unrelated, maybe, but interesting reporting yesterday that FSG are one of a two or three entities who are looking to muscle out PIF from the PGA deal.

On its surface the reporting doesnt make much sense on a few fronts. I am surprised to hear there is even any room to get out of that deal at this stage. It’s difficult to see how anyone outbids the saudis even if they can come with a better offer right now. But most of all is it reopens up the big schism in pro golf that seemed to be technically healed by the saudi led merger.

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25 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Steven Gerrard Thread

Nothing so far, now there’s a massive surprise.

I’ll admit for waiting for you to come back for this one :slight_smile:

We were told at the time it could take years for the process to reach its conclusion.

Just enough time for City to dispose of all the evidence.

I couldn’t find an image with enough paper, I hasten to add.

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Loop Burn GIF by Psyklon

Somewhat ironic considering it’s all bankrolled by fossil fuels.

And now the league is sending Premiere League refs over to the UAE, to officiate games, oh, and also to pick up their pay packs.


The PGMOL are.

I think it might be beneficial for the PL to step in and disband that group along with the FA.

It’s been far worse under Webb than it was under Riley.