The Owners - FSG

It is a curious form of consumerist narcissism to look at increasing club revenues and immediately think ‘see, they could lower my ticket price’

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It’s so hypocritical to mention record commercial revenue and world’s seventh richest club while not mentioning the rapidly increasing cost of just staying competitive.


The people kicking off about this are also the same people having a meltdown if we don’t do £200m on players every year.

I think you can compartmentalise costs to some degree, and I expect the club look at it in that way. They basically host around 30 sixty thousand person events every year, and that is not cheap. Over the last couple of years costs have gone through the roof - and that’s not domestic rates, that’s the commercial rates that have really been whacked.


Yup businesses are shutting all over the shop.

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The only argument I’ve seen on the idea of freezing or lowering ticket prices, is around Matchday atmosphere. FSG need to start treating the atmosphere as as a tangible thing there is a sporting and financial imperative to protect. Liverpool harness that in a variety of ways when it suits, but show little inclination towards treating it as a contributing factor towards the clubs success.

That said, I don’t think a quid is going to damage the atmosphere.

It’s why I assume they’ve frozen the local prices.

Most of the atmosphere comes from the Kop and pockets elsewhere, I feel it has little to do with ticket prices.

You can point to the line of Asian fans one of which was fliming on Thursday night but the whole section looked bloody bored and there was a woman to the left also taking photos.

This was when Robbo was taking an attacking throw.

The irony here is these are the same people that kick off online calling Henry and FSG tight and stealing money when we don’t go and spend £100B every window on the latest flavour of the month


More to the point, there are many local people who work on the gates, concessions, stewards and so on who will be on much more modest wages. The gate receipts pay their wages. I’m guessing that a 2% hike doesn’t even begin to cover the cost of living increases that they will have suffered.

I’d appreciate it if SoS would stand up for their interests.

I don’t mind SoS taking this position but it would be good if they reflect somewhat sometimes.

I can’t really afford more than two trips hence why I haven’t bought a membership plus the system is so bad and though I had a decent points at one point, Covid buggered it up.

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The price rise is half inflation. And in most of the recent years prices have been frozen. I don’t think there is much of a case against the owners here.

It’s a separate argument to see if there can be a concerted effort to bring costs down, across the league, for the match going fan. Attending a Bundesliga game is, on average, about half the cost of the Prem, for example.

But in the world in which FSG operate, a very modest increase against a backdrop of frozen prices for several years is actually quite reasonable.


That happens at everything these days, though. You have idiots who spend a whole gig filming it on their phones; I’ve even seen the same thing happen at the races.

Proving you were there seems to be more important than actually being there to the social media generation. It’s madness.


FSG have done a lot by introducing Upper Annie. That’s where most of the singing was coming from on Thursday (perhaps in response to SU fans below them). Kop looked good after Macca’s goal. Main stand, where I was, was dead. No singing or cheering apart from the goals. People around me looking at me like I was a weirdo for joining in songs.

It means there are 2 disconnected hubs at opposite end, singing out of time or even different songs.

Not sure ticket prices solves this

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Yup, it’s certainly how I’ve found it.

Kop was a bit poor under Rodgers but picked under Klopp, Away and Kenny stand feel pretty dead.

Toss out some main stand holders and reallocate? Make say 40-60 seats reserved for a ‘fanatics club’ or something where club provides heavily subsidised/free tix in exchange for group meeting for a few hrs each week between games where they work on chants/songs and they bang these out throughout games. Club could audition/ review memberships each season ensuring mix of creative/musical and charismatic/rabble rousers to pull the ol’ moaners and day trippers into chanting too. Maybe too plastic but very cost effective way to ‘improve’ atmosphere.

SOS - I thought they were privy to lots of board stuff? Sort of designed to have them inside the tent pissing out rather than the opposite which is what this sounds like. Will FSG just decide fuck it, not worth ‘consulting’ and just go to CPI+1.5% increases YoY. Ticket prices could easily be 25% higher based on the last 8 years.

Have they ever? It’s more likely they will always take the populist route, cheaper tickets, if free the better.

I think the food banks have yet to see what they serve in stadiums…

And I know it’s probably a small percentage but guess where a good number of £9 and £19 or cheap tickets ended up? Touts. I was offered by a very popular tout a £19 for £160. And on the day before matchday, he basically park himself at a bar in Liverpool central and pass out the tickets throughout the day.

Robbo needs to spice up his throw in technique for the tiktok generation .

So they wanted to be engaged in discussions, they were engaged, and their stance was just to be opposed to any price rises.

I’m not anti-SOS or anything and I am not opposed to supporters unions but I can’t help but feel they are picking the wrong fight, and for little reason. Their main argument seems to be “Yeah this increase isn’t that bad but what about the next one?” When I feel like FSG have proven themselves as a fairly reliable partner having previously frozen prices for 5 years.

Edit: By the way followed the link from the SoS website to that tweet and was reminded what an absolute shithole twitter is thesedays. Was immediately flooded with a home page full of right wing freaks declaring that WW3 has started.


Usually racism