The Owners - FSG

Yeah but the truth is American football is shit, just a section of people who like to think that they know what it’s about and like to think they are American😂

And Werner in all honesty should shut his mouth, after all these years it seems that for all the good fsg do, Werner still can’t understand fuck all about the club


Big difference between NFL, where they really don’t have any leagues outside of the US that are of any quality, so playing games internationally for them makes sense to spread the marketing and hype.

Football has it’s own leagues in majority of countries with governing bodies for each continant. I bet CONCACAF and FIFA would both be pretty pissed off if the Premier League started saying they want to play competetive league games in CONCACAF’s backyard. Theoretically money talks and a few brown paper bags would make those complaints go away, but I bet it would need to be big enough to make the games no longer financially viable


There was legal action by US interests being taken to block La Liga’s proposal to play games in the US. It seemed to have support of FIFA, but they indicated earlier this year they are now open to it and proposing to change their rules to enable it.

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I remember the kerfuffle when Arnold Muhren and Frans Thijssen came over to Ipswich to do their thing. It was novel, but there was a lot being said at the time about the Englishness of the game in England.

I think the economic imperative is there to explore an overseas game. It will always be the English league, but I see a round of competitive games moving into the international arena in the next few years. This feels like normal evolution to me.

In the meantime, there is a much bigger threat to the game as we know it, and we are all watching to see what happens with Man City. Not just the 115 charges, but the challenge to the Premier League about allowing them to pump more revenue in via spurious sponsorship deals.

Sorry but the threat of home games being played in America etc is the bigger threat, turning the national sport/league into nothing more than a circus.

Man city are facing push back from other clubs and the premier league, difference with this that some in the premier league have been trying to push this for a few years.

As I said if this was to happen , then the league is dead, it’s nothing more than a popularity item, devoid of its history and it’s meaning and the game may as well die a quick death.


We’ve lost a league title by 1cm. We should be especially conscious of efforts like this that further upset the competitive balance of a season, which will be a consequence of any of these sort of moves.


As Limiescouse notes, that ship has already sailed. Even within North American soccer circles, there is not universal resistance to the idea of hosting big European matches (“is Real Salt Lake a real substitute for Real Madrid?”), which are seen as providing beneficial profile. The PL already makes more off North American broadcast rights than the North American game does, why shouldn’t there be some live games too?

The only party really hurt by the idea is the matchgoing English football fan, and it has been a while since they seemed much of a priority.

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I honestly don’t see it as that big of a deal. If it evolves to a round of Premier League games being played overseas, to grow the game and the revenue, I’d be fine with that. For many years football has been on an increasingly commercial trajectory. This would not be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for me.

Mind you, if it didn’t happen I’d be fine with that too.

I think it died a bit in 1992, or certainly sold its soul. It then died some more when it prostituted itself and allowed Abu Dhabi to buy City. It’s been a lingering death since then. Newcastle will rake another pound of flesh and if Everton get their way it will lose another.

If City get away with the 115 charges it will be dead to me but I give the actual league a decade before its fully loaded with nation state clubs washing and measuring their dicks.


Never mind lads, we’ll all soon be drowning in boiling water anyway.


MLB currently playing a game at the London Stadium.

Two pints of Heineken in a novelty plastic bat that you can’t even set down, let alone drink without twatting the head of the bloke in front. Yours for the princely sum of £28.50.

Count me out of the Americanisation of football please.


The number of people who took a sip out of one only to find some joker had pissed in it is certainly not 0.

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In the list of ‘what could possibly go wrong?’ promotions, that has to be up there. Maybe not WKRP turkey giveaway, but up there.

Is it one pint plus a pint of foam? Should have asked for a flake in that

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Can’t we just give them the Community Shield or something?


La Liga have found a decent balance with their version of the charity shield being done as a midseason tournament in Saudi that pockets Real and Barca about 5 million in extra revenue a year


The question is, if you are a season ticket holder, which match don’t you mind losing?

TV companies already piss people around over the schedules. Imagine if you then discover that the derby match or a crucial 6 pointer against Arsenal is going to be played in Miami because the promoter has an option on it?


You couldn’t make a less practical beer receptacle if you tried. Impossible to pour properly, impractical to drink from and you’ve got to hold it at all times.

Then they’ve filled it with Heineken…

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leagues like NFL has a shorter season and also plays just one game per week (as far as I know). So its easier to finish a game, fly 7-10 hours and have a good enough rest before the next game the following week. But current football schedules are already so squeezed, you either are not going to get very good quality games flying them to and fro in short periods of time or you get players who are mentally and physically drained and gets more injuries. As much as I admire the idea of bringing competitive football to the global fans and I would love to one day see Liverpool playing a PL match in Singapore, its just not practical.

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So home games potentially arent “home” anymore?

I’m growing seriously tired of the BS spouted to defend things which are ultimately designed to rip people off, sorry, squeeze even more money out of people.

At what point do people twig that they really aren’t getting value for money? Personally that happened years ago for me.

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