The Owners - FSG

Or is it due to the fact that the club aren’t as readily giving access to the media so those that are used to getting a bit of a free ride aren’t happy at being cut out, so they make shit up?

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This is so fucking tiresome. There is no behind the scenes war going on.


Where you an I differ, is that I recognise the reality of being owned by an entity like FSG, and the constraints on spending that implies, whereas I think you wish to deny it.

For example, you say that we don’t need cash reserves because

the owners can effectively act as that with lines of credit if needed

Do you know that for certain, or is that conjecture on your part? If the owners could provide us with the necessary lines of credit, why do we need to have a £150 million (revolver) credit facility with the bank?

And while you are correct when you say that borrowings to invest in infrastructure are exempt from FFP calculations, they are still borrowings, and they still have to be repaid by the club.

The harsh reality is that the club is limited in what it can spend on players and infrastructure by what it can sustain and support out of its own revenues. If it borrows to spend on players in the here and now, it can only borrow to the limits of its facility, and it has to budget to repay that debt (with interest) in the future.

Yes, it is a cautious approach, and perhaps not my preferred strategy, but it is the business model dictated by FSG, whether we like it or not.


Mate you’ve just sent me a link thats dated the 22nd of january,i said he didnt push for a CB at the very start (which is when you said we needed to bring in Botman and Caleta-Car) those deals were at the end of the month after Matip got injured,when we really needed to buy one.

Like i said earlier,every man and his dog knows Klopp doesnt like to pay for players in january cos they have to overspend,especially this year as our CB’s are all fucked,so every team knows they can charge us a premium for their CB’s,they dipped there toe in the market in december with kabak and to be told £30-40mill proved their point,thats why nobody was brought in early.

It wasnt till later in that month,like the article you’ve posted,things started to change,so with all due respect mate,i’m not wrong on how things went south in the tranfer market.

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My point was always that we weren’t going to bring in an established, senior CB in January till Matip got injured. That was an unacceptable decision because he was always going to miss more games than he played. Because we waited we couldn’t get what we wanted and had to settle for what we could get. What we could get at the end wasn’t what we could get earlier in the window. If Matip had got injured a game later we probably wouldn’t even have Kabak, maybe not even Davies either.

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Yeah i know all that,i wasnt saying any different,i was only talking about what actually happened and the reasons why a CB wasn’t brought in on january 1st and that i understood why Klopp AND FSG didn’t pull the trigger on any early deals.

We all know Matip is made of quavers and was bound to break down at some point but obviously klopp thought he could ease him through till the end of the season,with also the other players as back up,plus the loss of money,the added premium on buying a CB made us not go for it at the start of the month,i understand all those reasons but if Matip was fucked at the start of january,things may have been different,but shit happens,we fucked up in the market for the first time in years,now we have to move on and forget about it,nothing we can do about it now,other than learn from it.

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FSG in for a rude awakening if they think Jurgen can perform miracles with the money they are making available.


They’ll be funds available…after Mo, Mane , VVD or Alisson goes. That’s the FSG way. They’ve never bought big without selling.
I think people fail to grasp how well Klopps done with a shoestring budget. It means every signing has to hit the ground running due to squad size so when a player doesn’t like Minamino or Thiago it really hurts us. Look at Chelsea bench last night. chilwell, Kante, pulisic - it’s about quality in depth and we don’t have it.
What annoys is if FSG needed another pitcher for their baseball team they’d buy one and give him $60m a year while Jurgen given scraps.
I thought I read somewhere that some Chinese billionaire wants to buy us? Be careful what you wish for I guess but FSG will never hand Jurgen £200m to strengthen. Never have and never will.


Champions League Winners, Super Cup Winners, Club World Cup Winners, Premier League Winners. I’d say he already has. FSG have very much operated with an eat what you kill budget while simultaneously strengthening the Clubs infrastructure and stadium. We are in an extraordinary situation on and off the field which I don’t think can be laid entirely at FSG’s door.


We wiped the floor with with league after that which people tend to be forgetting and then did strengthen in 2020 even during the pandemic which people also tend to forget. The CB situation is pretty much completely incomprehensible, I cannot think of a single club that lost their entire first choice roster for basically the whole season while also suffering massive time losses through to injury to almost every other position as well.


Yup, LFC (Henry, all board members, Edwards and Klopp) decided to keep the powder dry that summer. And?

Honestly, this kind of attempt to artificially shed a bad light on events which happened two and a half years ago is a bit tiresome. We had just won the CL and hauled a record amount of points in the league. Since then, we absolutely steamrolled the league, and only went out in the CL against Atletico because of an unenforced error from Adrian. Nothing which could have been done in summer 2019 would have changed one iota to what is happening to us now.



I am so fed up with this narrative. We had over 30 attempts on goal in the home leg alone; the game should have been put to bed in 90 minutes, and should never even have gone to extra time, but our forwards couldn’t hit the proverbial barn door- sound familiar?

But sure; it was all Adrián’s fault.


We could have bought a proper second goalkeeper :innocent: :laughing:


Spending in Jan would have increased the net debt, which we are told is low, but it would almost certainly have kept us in the CL in which case we would have got the money back and maintained a strong position for signing new players next season. I cannot see any high quality ambitious players wanting to join a non CL club. It will be a long, hard ,expensive grind to get back to the top. I know we have done it before but it would have been easier to stay near the top than it will be to get back there from a mid table , no Euro football, position.


Did you read the full thread by Mo? He is trying to explain how we can have money this summer. He seems to understand how transfers are stages and other elements of our Finances work (much more than most on here bar Lowton_red / Kopstar).

I’m also posting it here because a stick being used to beat FSG is that they didn’t spend big 2-3 summers ago. When that looks like a choice by Klopp/Edwards, why they held no-one will know but it wasn’t for “lack of ambition” from the owners as some would like you to believe.


Come on bud, we did take the lead eventually and then Adrian fluffed it completely. Its no narrative to state the fact of the matter. It happened.


That’s fine. But you’ve extended this to suggest Klopp and the Owners are at odds with each other and it’s FSG who are hoarding cash and denying Klopp what he needs. That’s a fantasy.


The revisionism is ridiculous. There was less furore when it was actually taking place than now. Edwards and Klopp’s astuteness in the transfer market is used as a stick to beat the owners because somebody has to blamed for what’s going on.

FSG have stated from day one that the club will live within its means and they have adhered to it. Anyone dreaming of hundred million transfer budgets in this economic climate is in for a rude awakening.


The fallacy here is that Jurgen is the kind of manager that wants to spend that kind of money.

The reason why Jurgen and FSG are a match made in heaven is because largely they think about sport in the same way. They believe in an intelligent approach to data, analytics, scouting and training, and think that it worth more that simply throwing money at problems.

There were lots of stories that Klopp wanted to pull out of the Van Dijk deal when it got to £75m because he thought the pice was too high. It was Werner, Edwards and Henry who had to persuade him.

When it comes to wanting to lash money at problems Klopp is as reluctant as FSG, if not more so.

There is a general attitude here that FSG lucked out getting Klopp. In fact FSG have been trying to get him since pretty much day one, precisely because he is the perfect manager for how they want to work.