The Owners - FSG

And Klopp would ever come out and publicly state otherwise? Even if behind the scenes the situation was as toxic as could be would Klopp act and say anything different than he has? However, what he did say this January and what journalists close to the club have started saying in articles would be as far as someone like Klopp would ever go. I don’t think it’s as rosey as has been made out.


I agree 1000000% that Klopp is the manager most in sync with FSG in the world. However! Sometimes his decisions to keep his powder dry may also be because he knows he will need it for other priorities later. Its like looking at a single mum, struggling with low income and assuming she doesn’t want to buy nice clothes and stuff for herself because all she ever buys herself are practical clothes.


So your argument is Klopp would never speak out publicly, except he did in January, and look journalists?

Come on.


You think Alisson Becker, Virgil Van Dijk, Naby Keita and Thiago Alcantara aren’t ‘nice clothes’ :laughing:


I hate pieces like this. They make interesting reads but are often founded on someone’s opinion rather than fact

Being brutally honest, I rather trust @Lowton_Red’s assessment of how much money we have to spend than the people that have written those reports.


I really don’t know if your man actually knows what he’s talking about.

For example, in his analysis he shows agents fees of £44 million as a discrete item, in addition to the cost of acquiring player registrations.

However IAS 38 paragraph 27 requires that such costs be included in the cost of the intangible asset, because they are directly attributable to ‘preparing the asset for its intended use’. A similar accounting treatment would apply for fees paid to agents for renegotiating extensions to players’ contracts. The capitalised fees would be amortised over the newly agreed remaining contract period.

In other words, his figure of £44 million (if indeed that was the amount paid to agents) is already included in the £174 million paid to acquire player registrations.

He is guilty of double counting, which doesn’t say much for the credibility of his analysis or his conclusions.


He’d never go full Rafa or Mourinho no. So when he does show displeasure at restrictions placed on him it should be seen as a bigger issue surely?

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I did say he knew more than most bar you :wink: thanks for clarifying/


I’d say his main two conclusions are correct though. In summer 2019 we increased cash reserve by over £20m, that showed there was money to do business if we wanted, on 5 year deals at least £100m worth of fees could have been added to the books. Certainly enough to have done this years business which has always been my argument. And that a lot of the costs of the extensive business we did the two years prior should now be finished having an affect on our cashflow meaning there is potential for more business than expected this summer.


So now Klopp never expressing his frustration at money is evidence for his frustrations about money? This is why you do people’s head in.

The comments about CBs in Jan we’re incredibly innocuous. He basically said we would like to bring in a centre back but there isn’t any money - and there is no point crying about it. It’s just the way it is.

That’s just a statement that of fact. It’s only because we’re so used to managers kicking off in Pressers for more money, and the press will make mountains out of molehills that this becomes a problem.

If there is a message behind Klopp’s comments, I think it’s aimed squarely at clubs who thought they could wrangle a 50% desperation tax out of Liverpool FC. It seems to have worked too.

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He said more than just that. There were comments after the game when he was really angry, a press conference and some questions, that’s just what I heard about. You’re only taking the quotes from the press conference when what he said was prepared and in a diplomatic attempt to cool down after his comments after the game before. Have you heard all the comments? And particularly heard not read for his tone of voice? He was clearly pissed and frustrated.

You’re the one going round in circles. Klopp must be happy because he hasn’t said anything. We must have misunderstood what he said because he’s not the type to say anything when he’s unhappy. Because he hasn’t said anything about being unhappy he must therefore be happy.

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Yeah I don’t think you need to be Sherlock Holmes to work out that the CB debacle in January was creating some tension between JK and the owners. However, trying to cut FSG some slack here, we don’t know the full facts of how we got into this position in the first place and how decisions made in the Summer ultimately backfired and who was the prime mover behind those decisions.

I’m guessing JK was the prime mover behind the Thiago move, for example, a transfer that goes against the FSG model in just about every way possible. Older player, big wages, no resale value. JK will be used to trade-offs when dealing with FSG so maybe it was a case of you can have Thiago but you can’t have a Lovren replacement and he was content with using Fabinho. Or maybe it was a case of you can have a Lovren replacement if we can get rid of Wilson or Grujic or Origi, which we failed to do so (despite having a perfectly good offer for Wilson from Burnley) in which case maybe Edwards should be taking some of the blame. The truth is that everyone involved, JK, FSG, Edwards almost certainly played their part in creating the situation we found ourselves in January.

What is undeniable is that we then fucked up big time, seemingly willing to wing it through the rest of the season in the hope that Matip would suddenly become robust enough to play more than one game of football without getting injured and only acting when he broke down completely. Other factors have obviously played a part but all that fucking about killed our season stone dead. I expect there have been recriminations behind the scenes, whether they are serious enough to have created long term damage in the relationships I guess we’ll find out in the Summer.


The problem is that you (as well as Mo Chatra) are ignoring the £49.5 million the club owed to the bank, so technically we were already in the red.

What you (and he) are suggesting is equivalent to blowing all of the £10,000 bonus you got from work on a foreign holiday whilst ignoring your £15,000 overdraft. :thinking:


Klopp has had nothing but praise for FSG since he came here.

You want to believe this is all facade because he was frustrated in one press conference after a defeat, and based largely on people’s hysterical reaction to the press conference rather than what Klopp actually said (which I did listen to, in full - because the press reports were suggesting that he’d had some kind of meltdown, when he just basically said ‘we’re skint and there is nothing I can do about this’)

By the way, if Klopp was frustrated at the situation in January this is actually fine. He is always fiery, and, to be honest, a bit of a dick after a defeat (ask Des Kelly). But he is also allowed to be frustrated with something at work and also understand that it’s not really anyone’s fault.

You are basing too much of your opinion on tittle tattle, rumour and click bait journalism.


Still beggars belief to me that the offer for Wilson (12m?) was deemed not enough. Absolutely bonkers.


It will be an interesting summer.
Outgoings - Gini (free), Ox, Shaq, Origi, Wilson, Davies, Phillips plus a few further down the list I also expect one of the front 3 to go. So that gives us some cash. I dont see us buying Kobak.


Not really. Have you never bought anything you need despite owing that much or more on a credit card? A lot of our debts are actually long term finance issues to do with the Main Stand and Kirkby developments, which actually don’t even get taken into account with financial fair play at all. Yes sure, ideal world you want to pay this stuff off as soon as possible, earlier than planned is always nice. But I doubt all our financial packages had to be paid off straight away. Besides I wasn’t talking about that, that in theory, is other money that we could have been clever with if needed (I don’t think we did 2019 but may need to in this years accounts or in the summer). What we did with that is fine. The cash reserves though increased by more than £20m, this wasn’t required. Nice but not required. Under financing that’s more than enough to bring up to £100m of fees in on players. There was certainly room in the 2019 accounts if the decision had been made to use it.

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I think we’ll go for Botman or Caleta-Car. I don’t think Kabak is what Klopp wants.

I think if we are going to freshen the squad then FSG are going to have to dig deep. I don’t think there is much money to be had by selling off the fringies.


That’s why you have to treat Klopp/FSG/Edwards as one entity. A decision was made to not invest in the squad at that point. They decided it was good enough to go again.

Mind you, it could just be that the decision to not spend much money at that point is beneficial for the club, now Covid has fucked revenues. We could (I’m not saying we will) be in a good position to take advantage of a distressed market.


Agree. Clubs wont pay £20m for the likes of Origi now.

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