The Owners - FSG

I wasn’t criticising out of town support, just out of town support that tries to portray local support as parochial and xenophobic for being especially aggrieved at the treatment of the club within this country.


Also, it hurts to hear that not being from Liverpool somehow hinders our feelings for Liverpool. Yes, I know very, very, little about the city and the club, but the compassion must count for something.
Are you not from Liverpool then lftikhar… Well you had me fooled! :0)


A proper ooter. :smiley:

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Aye, There are some vocal mancs, go out of their way to add shit to fire of hate between the cities. Its always gonna happen, and there will always be things thrown both ways. But the cities as a whole doesn’t despise each other, feels more like bothers that don’t always see eye to eye

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No offence just asking because I’ve no idea but where are you from?

My experience I’ve personally had quite a bit of hassle and even more hostile banter when I’ve been in Manchester and interacted with locals. And I’m from The Wirral I’m not even a real scouser.

Yes if you want to ridicule someone’s opinion then technically you are 100% correct and not everyone in Manchester hates scousers. But in reality it’s about as bitter as a city rivalry gets in the real world.

The two cities have had historical tension since long before the sport of football and the two most successful football teams in the country (by far) coming one from each city has escalated that to pure venom in some quarters.

Any city where you can be beaten up for being where you are from if you’re not careful about who you speak to, in real terms, is a city that hates where you are from.


I think he stated in a different thread recently that he is from Manchester or at least went to school there but bravely wore his LFC shirt.

I have a friend who is a born and bred scouser…but a lifelong City fan.

Isn’t life strange…

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My brother in law is a United supporter while his wife is a City supporter.

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People who support Liverpool might get stick in Manchester but people from Liverpool might get outright hostility regardless of team or even if they follow football at all. I know when I’ve had hassle I wasn’t in a football shirt.


In incremental stages, ranging from banter through to total hatred, there is definitely an above average dislike between the two cities… When it comes to forming an opinion, it just depends at which juncture you have encountered it…!
Must remember though, when the 50,000 Mancs at Old Toilet are singing disparaging songs and hurling insults our way… 45,000 of them will be heading back down the M6 motorway after the game, to crawl back into whatever Southern cave and district they had earlier emerged from


To be fair, have you ever been by the Rocket on match days at Anfield?

5800 season tickets at Anfield are registered to people with Liverpool post codes.

Everton used to have a banner on Derby days welcoming all Liverpool supporters to Merseyside :joy:


May I ask, where did you find that statistic?

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It was widely quoted in the local press when they were allowing 2000 local fans into the ground. They had to restrict them to Liverpool postcodes


Can you provide a link?

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I’ll have to have a look for it but of course there are only 26,000 season tickets issued at Anfield so 6000 still represents a healthy 25% which is not unreasonable. Also I’m not sure if the postcodes were limited to areas of the city within a certain distance from the ground.


I’ve only ever seen this figure quoted on Everton fans Twitter feeds. I would be amazed if it is as low as that.


Do the Blueshite fans know what season tickets are…
They still turn up on the day and pay at the turnstile don’t they…!


That train to Crewe is jammed pack on match day, doesn’t really matter, people move around for work, some odd observation that people should be born and live within the post code they were born, to fair if I was offered a job back up north at the moment I’d be open to it, but equally I’d be happy with Bristol or Southampton down here.

I’m from Southport but I haven’t lived there in 17 years.


I’m from and live in Manchester. I went to uni at John Moores, so had 4 years in the city aswell.

I am truly sorry if you’ve had trouble due to being from Liverpool, but I can only go off my own experience and I’ve seen some light hearted banter, some heated banter but nothing I’d say goes above what I’d call normal tribalism rivalary.

This is what I was responding to btw, not your posts;

Thats a xenophobia myopian response in my opinion.

There are utter cunts throughout society, all society… Including our fanbase. The irony is as sandsoftime says 80% of the match going fans at the old toilet aren’t from Manchester so to tar an entire city with such a toxic sweeping statement is just from a place of incorrectness and that view needs realigning… It’s not healthy.

If you encountered a similar view from the other “side”, it’s equally wrong.

Anyway I’m done discussing this, if people want to air their toxic, incorrect and utterly unhealthy views I pitty them, and hope they change. I’d urge them to direct their energy against the actual cause of a lot of the “fake” enmity… I.e. the right wing twats who feed hate…

p.s. The vast portion of the “feed the scousers” “bin dipper” insults originated from the dirty Tory south clubs in the 70/80s when both Liverpool and to a lesser extent Manchester were in mass poverty caused by the government. The fact idiot Utd fans use it is possibly the worst case of irony which is equally sadly totally lost on them.

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Why is it Manchester United fans? Yes there’s a sporting rivalry between United and Liverpool but United is not Manchester and LFC is not Merseyside. The rivalry, enmity and (sorry) sometimes hatred is not just about football let alone two specific teams. The footballing rivalry hasn’t helped matters but its not the cause its just a boost to something already there.

Details some of the history but think this oversteps the football side of things. I know plenty of people that have zero interest in football and no history of particular footballing influences in their families who are very opposed. On both sides.

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My point was simple, Manchester as a city doesn’t hate Liverpool. Which is what someone else said to promote their agenda.

“In a world where division and hostility is becoming alarmingly entrenched, such superficial rivalry needs to be dropped.” The article saved the best till last.

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