The R.I.P. thread

Always had a soft spot for this song…

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Not heard of in many a year… but was a favourite of my Grandad back in the day


Mike Yarwood, comedian whose brilliant impersonations drew huge TV audiences – obituary (


We watched him regularly in the 70s. I think Margaret Thatcher become PM was rather his undoing as he had famously done his PM impression as a key part of his act until then, although I don’t think his show survived the switch to ITV as well.


fuck, Jimmy Buffet died? goddamnit.

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Another local actress, Jean Boht, has died aged 91:

Probably best known for Bread, which I always found a bit problematic, but a great character actress in things like Boys From The Black Stuff, and Scully (which also featured Kenny Dalglish amongst it’s cast.)


BBC News - Roger Whittaker: Durham Town folk singer dies at 87

Very middle of the road but I always rather enjoyed his stuff.


So David McCallum has died. A big Trump fan apparently. He left the UK because it had become “worringly left wing”. :laughing:


From reading that article he sounded like a lot of people at the start of Trump’s political rise. Non politician will shake them up a bit, get stuff done, and be a needed corrective to stale politicians. (My summary, but that was the jist of what a lot of people thought, including McCallum).

I would have loved to hear what he thought after a term of Trump, given all the issues we witnessed, culminating in a violent insurrection and a concerted effort to stay in government after losing an election.

Anyway, RIP. He had a substantial career.


A man who in this country became best known for playing a stuffy medical examiner in a terrible formulaic network drama that ran for about 20 years. A man who should be best known for producing one of hip hop’s most iconic samples and a banger of a track in its own right

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One of the best third baseman has past away R.I.P Brooks.


Michael Gambon’s passed away. My missus will be gutted - big HP/Dumbledore fan.



I think I first remembered him from The Singing Detective. He had so much makeup to give him psoriasis that he was barely recognisable but it’s a performance that really sticks in the mind. He was such a perfect fit for Dumbledore that few noticed the change of actor. It’s a wonder that they didn’t pick him in the first place.

Edit - I was just thinking he played Scrooge in A Christmas Carol. It was actually a Doctor Who Christmas special that was based on the Dickens character. Well worth a watch if it’s on again.


I’ve just seen it reported on Facebook that the Liverpool actor Jake Abraham has passed away from cancer.

He was probably best known to a wider audience for his role in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.

It doesn’t seem to be officially announced yet but several people in the Liverpool theatre community have put messages up.


That’s such a shame. :heart::nerd_face:

Former Man City player, Francis Lee, passed away.


I spent an evening in his company at a reception about 20 years ago. Seemed like a good guy. Great sense of humour. Football didn’t get mentioned once. Toilet paper did though.


Smashing fight with Norman Hunter, back in the day. Hunter felled him with a punch to the face, bit of a melee, ref sent them both off. Camera on the ref and the other players around the ref, but then it cuts to the sideline, where Franny Lee and Norman Hunter are having a proper ding dong.

From memory, Franny Lee was getting the better of that exchange, at least he was on the front foot and backing Hunter up, who slipped over, and then everyone piled in.

He went on to have a big business career, which was of note, as he played during the time when the peak of ambition for most ex players was to own their own pub, or similar.

I don’t remember Franny Lee ever saying anything about the current version of Man City, but it would have been interesting to hear a self made man comment on the advent of nation state ownership of football clubs.

Anyway, decent player, feisty fighter, and top businessman who lived a full life.



I just remember him being fat. :open_mouth: Was he actually any good ?

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