The Jam helped me make it through the darkest times of puberty. I remember being in love with a girl from my school but ( of course ) never brave enough to talk to her and then buying their then latest album sound affects and listening to Monday and thinking “who the fuck told you ??”
One of the really important bands.
Russell Hastings is his name, and he’s a very accomplished front man.
I don’t think there is any anomosity between Weller and Foxton/Hastings, but there was between Weller/Buckler, they didn’t speak for decades.
Partly due to Buckler seeing the Style Council and saying to Weller, " You broke up The Jam for this shit!"
Weller has for years consistently refused to even contemplate a Jam reunion tour, and for that I’ll forever regard him as a selfish arrogant cunt.
If Weller was doing a free exclusive to me and friends gig, and From the Jam were playing next door, I’d be going next door.
I thought Rick was a brilliant drummer and there were some good drum rolls which were fantastic.
When Paul Weller broke up the Jam, Paul was quite derogatory about Rick on some interviews and yes @Dane he did behave like a C u next Tuesday. He was quite a dismissive and arrogant git during his Style Council years and into the early years of his solo work. I tried to get into the Style Council music, there were some good songs, but, otherwise a few albums were quite bland. I just couldn’t get into it much.
He was also quite horrible to George Michael too during the recording of ‘Band Aid’ Christmas single. So, George retorted back by saying “don’t be a w*nker, all your life Paul, have a day off”.
The sad thing is, it is a shame Paul never made up with Rick personally.
What was your favourite Jam album and favourite Jam song?
I have several 
Album: All Mod Cons
Track: Down the Tube Station at Midnight.
Rick’s drumming is brilliant in that.
All time favourite track: Going Underground
A song and a social commentary. One of the most underrated tracks of our times.
Rest in Peace Rick.
I too have several, today :
Setting sons
Burning sky
I was still in school ( until 84 ) and I was listening to setting sons daily. And the lyrics of burning sky struck me as a prediction of how later life would mean the end of friendships. Being young and walking around with this fin de siecle attitude often goes hand in hand, it did in my case. The Jam were a band who ( like maybe the Who two generations before ) gave words to sentiments one could not phrase with such precision.
I loved the “All Mod Cons” album when it came out. “Down in the Tube Station at Midnight” is probably the obvious track but there was some real variety on it. “‘A’ Bomb in Wardour Street” had some real fury to it and “English Rose” was just hauntingly beautiful. There was a really good cover of The Kinks’ “David Watts” as well.
Saw them in 82 at Deeside Leisure Centre. It was called the the Trans Global Unity Express tour.
Favourite album All Mod Cons
Favourite track English Rose
We walked home from Deeside as the locals weren’t keen on the Trans Global anything malarkey. Got in after four to my pregnant wife who wasn’t too pleased with me. 
Makes me feel sad, old, and grateful for the part they played in my younger years.

Time comes for everyone eventually…
Looks like being in a band is hazardous - especially if your name is Ramone.
I had a part time job at college which involved checking the electricals in the music venue at the students union. The concert where I was “shown the ropes” was The Ramones. They were ridiculously loud (and I have also seen Motörhead) but the actual concert was mayhem with bottles being thrown all over the place, some hitting the band. I think the moshpit was about the safest place.
I briefly met them when they were coming offstage. Apparently, that was pretty typical for them. It probably accounts for why they played so fast that they could fit their entire setlist in just under an hour.
I’ve been in the habit of making a customized playlist each year on Spotify, just building it up as the year unfolds, comprised of what I’m listening to. Old stuff. Newer stuff. Different genres. Very eclectic mix.
Anyhow, I have enjoyed listening to The Jam the last few days. Part of the soundtrack of my youth, haven’t listened to them much in a while, and it has been a nice reconnection.
RIP Rick Buckler.
I have a ‘mods/ska’ selection of music which has a couple of Jam tracks on, loved the genre of music
One of the great voices of her genre.
My condolences to her family and friends.
I was just listening to her music the other night… RIP
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