The Referees or The Twelfth Man

It isn’t though as it is anywhere near a genuine challenge it is no different from grabbing a playets shirt

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It’s the hilarious “logic” used to justify the non-decisions that cracks me up.

“If we started giving penalties for holding at corners, we’d be giving one at every set piece!”

Do it, then. Once there are multiple penalties to each team in every match, you’ll soon see holding at set pieces come to an end.

Short term pain for long term gain.


They do occasionally ‘crack down’ on certain things. I remember one season when tackling from behind was a mandatory red card. In the first couple of weekends there were umpteen reds. Then it died a death.
What annoys me are the constant little changes to perfectly good rules that make it more difficult for officials to do their job. The offside rule is an example. I’ve lost count of the different tweeks to it over the years. The basic rule was quite simple in that if a player is in a certain position with a certain number of players between them and the goal when the ball was kicked then they were offside. Over the years we’ve had phases of play, defenders’ intentions, benefit of the doubt to attackers and other changes that have made it so that the officials need the reflexes and quick thinking of a fighter pilot to process. :rage::nerd_face:

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We all give the numpty’s in the middle plenty of stick every week… and why not I ask because they are f***in useless at their job… but then are they totally to blame for everything what we see as incompetence…???
One consideration that keeps haunting me and it becomes apt following on from Commando’s post above…
How much of these games are influenced by the guys standing back in the shadows and not centre stage in the spotlight… the Mike Riley’s of this world
AKA as the referee’s boss who gives out their instructions to be followed to the letter…
“Well lads we give penalties for holding at corners for the next couple of weeks”
“Don’t forget lads, arms around a forward by a defender, just let it slide”
“Unless the challenge is really reckless above knee height, just play on”
“We need to keep the game flowing at all costs lads, don’t forget, just wave play on”
Then other fingers in the Premier League pie… SKY, then their boss, advertisers etc
It is though they shake things up if not weekly then certainly a number of times during the season…
To me the whole officiating system is broken, even rotting away and it has reached the core…
Letting inconsequential individuals in the middle become relevant during a game for 90mins has been enough to tilt the destiny of the PL title into whatever direction their incompetence, bias or instructions from higher up want to steer it…
The game has grown too big to place in the hand of a single individual in the middle of the park that basically police their own actions… Many large successful companies operate under the guidance of shareholders or a board of directors, how many of these would allow one individual alone to make crucial decisions that determine results… We have introduced VAR now with some of the highest resolution images as the norm… officiate from the armchair!
Take the power away from the numpty in the middle and find another way for the game to be played properly and fairly
The only thing I sense holding VAR back from taking full control is that FIFA, EUFA or whoever else, are thinking of the game across the world stage, and the difficulty it would present from grass roots upward to officiate the game/s entirely via VAR… BUT, they have introduced it after all said and done – PL is the biggest money spinner in the world (I think)… so why not officiate these games at a higher level than others.!

Totally agree referee to the rules and players will have to adapt

I have no problem with having a ref in the middle with the proper assistance of VAR and none of this shite about the refs view if he is wrong he is WRONG

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The good news keeps on coming

I Recon that he will give all the match officials proper instructions before the Manchester match they are involved in.


Any good news?

" I know I will be inheriting a strong foundation laid by a lot of good work over a number of years. It is about maintaining these standards and then enhancing them to grow and positively impact the game in England."

What’s he been smoking in the US?

Though full marks for the corporate speak.

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I predict nothing will change.

So, a manc - supporting dickhead vacates his place in favour of another manc - supporting dickhead. :unamused:

Well done.


Gray offside for Everton last night, and even within the measurement tolerance he was less offside than Rashford.

Genuinely wondering what the fuck is going on with this.

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Remember Masch getting sent off against Utd when there was a crack down on back chatting the ref? Lasted one fucking week and just long enough to shaft us in the biggest game of the season.


The clubs these days obviously do their homework on the referees before the game…
Marriner was taken to the cleaners last night by the Sandcastle players… they know his weak spots before they go onto the pitch and exploit them to their limits… hence the players feigning injury, tiredness and cramp, kicking the ball away numerous times… time wasting disruption was their main tactic against us last night… weak referees always cost us valuable points throughout the season… It really is another stake to the heart of destroying the game we all love…
Good triumphed over evil last night… but it is not always the case eh


As much as I love a good moan about refs, I thought that AnthonyTaylor had a really good game yesterday.


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Yeah I had no real issues with Taylor yesterday.

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The moron who ran onto the pitch did.


Ah but Liverpool were “lucky” with err a offside goal being chalked for err Offside.

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The two next PL matches are against Arsenal and Cheaty. Refs should be Pawson and Oliver but I guess it will be Tierney, Attwell or Taylor.


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