The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Klopp was asked about what Oliver told him and Arteta and Klopp said he is not allowed to tell. Wonder what that’s about.

Was Arteta asked the same?

End of the day who fucking cares, you can probably guess what Oliver said, I very much doubt it was along the lines of “Hey Kloppo, fancy going for a hot latte & watching the new Dwayne film next week.”

Not allowed what are they 5 year olds.

This FA/PL shite is way out of control :face_vomiting:

If the accusation against Hendo is racist in nature it needs to be investigated and dealt with correctly.

When they find Hendo innocent they can charge his accuser with bringing the game into disrepute(and we all know the chance of that happening are zilch)


For those that think there’s something nefarious going on beyond the refs being generally shit/incompetent, is it:
1- there are some with individual biases against Liverpool that they aren’t conscious of and affects their decisions?
2- there is widespread corruption, brown envelopes etc, as regularly stated here. Where does this begin/end? So many people would have to be involved, and staying quiet. Are the FA involved? The chair is a Liverpool fan

1, but I’m not buying that many of them aren’t conscious of it.

Sunday was the first day ever that I’ve felt there was something more untoward than bias and incompetence.

The way Oliver set his stall out during the match, his big decisions, the sheer frontery of some of the shit he did made me wonder what the fuck was going on.

The decision for their penalty was a fucking joke, but Oliver was in there like a whippet. Couldn’t wait to give it. Their first goal looked suspiciously offside, but we never saw the lines. We had three penalty shouts turned down, and one of them was a stonewaller. He let Partey foul Diaz and others all game, until inevitably Diaz departed the emirates on crutches.

And all I could think was how all the narrative before the game was about whether Arsenal could maintain a challenge to City, could they prevent City running away with the league? And that thought led me to conclude that for the Premier League as a product, it could have really done with Arsenal winning that game of football.


Red watch with Dermot this week suggests that Oliver got both penalty decisions wrong.

Apology? suspect not.

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The hand ball would be one in Europe I believe?

We knew it, he knew it, LFC knew it, but ref and VAR knew not to give it…oh dear oh dear oh dear…right shower of sh…poo!.

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It would be one for every team in England too… except us.

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What is left out of that Sky review that Dale Johnson has picked up on is Saka was in fact likely offside on the initial ball forward on the first goal. The issue is that he and the player who passed the ball, White, were too far apart to get them both in frame of the calibrated cameras so Hawkeye couldnt test it. The pictures from the regular camera that did catch it makes him certainly look offside, but VAR was unable to check it because of technical limitations. :see_no_evil:

Yeah but apparently it’s our players’ fault for not doing the referee’s job for them…

Have to say I do like this new system in the CL, it seemed to even offside within 10 seconds on one play against Ajax

Clear problem with not just the technology here, also the implementation. Assistant referees are instructed to clear their flags down and let VAR adjudicate tight calls.

But in this case VAR can’t adjudicate because Saka wasn’t in the frame, or whatever. So it goes back to the on field decision.

But the linesman keeps his flag down because VAR should sort offside.


In this case, in the interests of getting the correct on field decision, is beyond the ability of the VAR referee to look at that still, and reach the obvious conclusion that he is offside?

I dont even have a problem with the lino not flagging it. It looks pretty tight and I don’t think you can reasonably expect anyone to definitively know that is offside in real time. Even from the freeeze frame Im not positive. It’s been explained over and over again that what you can see of the relative positions from the regular cameras is not necessarily reflectively of truth and so that rules out the VAR just having a look and making a judgement call. That’s why the “we’ll he looked offside to me” calls are so misguided.

The easy way to fix the hand ball rule is to remove all interpretation and just have it as a simple black and white decision.

Did the ball hit X player’s arm?
Yes - hand ball so you gove a free kick
No - Play on

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Cue complaints within 5 minutes of day 1 - I know that’s the letter of the law, but why cannot the refs use common sense? This is ruining the game.

But isn’t that essentially what the on field referees are doing, only without the advantage of a freeze frame and a long considered look?

This argument that you can’t take a view off a screen feels a bit absurd, when the next course of action is to defer to the lads on the pitch who are at this point just working off memory.

Cue intense drilling of players to hone their blaming the ball really hard at players hands in the box skills

Suarez would have had fifty penalties.

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