The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Just watched the Copenhagen/City game. On the handball for the City penalty they ‘freeze framed’ it when the ball hit the Copenhagen player’s arm. I pointed out to Mrs Cdo that every player in shot had their arms in “unnatural” positions. Or natural if you understand how human bodies tend to react when in motion.
Perhaps all football teams should drop all of their players and sign a squad of penguins? :nerd_face:


‘Ref watch guy usually agrees with the ref but not here’

It is the rules around VAR that is an issue, what the ref sees is sometimes wrong or misguided i.e the penalty for Arsenal, the contact, which we all know was minimal, was made to look wirse be Jesus’s theatrics, clearly diving/simulating to gain a penalty. The man on VAR should have been in Oliver’s ear asking him to look at the monitor.

I have and will always say, VAR should be there to get decisions right and refs should be happy that they have the assistance of VAR to do so.

The Chair of the FA is a Liverpool fan. Remember her giving out hugs at the cup final?

We definitely seem to get a lot of decisions against us. I think it’s a lot to do with how nice our teams is, not diving or screaming at ref, easy to give a decision against. Am being convinced by arguments of bias against certain refs. But the FA/refs/media conspiracy theories are just ridiculous


Kevin de Bruyne is a Liverpool fan. Doesn’t stop him from scoring against us.
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is a Liverpool fan. Didn’t stop him from playing for, and then managing, Man U.

I’m sure the Chair of the FA has her price, just like everybody else.

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Genuine question then, what does that mean to you? See most discussions here, or the studio analysis of most contentious issues. Invariably there are differences of opinion on what the decision should have been. How does that play out if VAR is given a broader scope to just be allowed to chime in if it simply disagrees with the on pitch ref?

He is also ginger. Automatically that makes him a cunt :wink: :rofl:

Scoring isn’t corruption

Being allowed to sometimes is…

She’s not head of the refs group, though I’m not sure who is because Webb starts after the MLS season but Dean has already gone.

However, former Premier League referee Dermot Gallagher revealed why the VAR did not intervene at such a crucial moment in the game and why Oliver was not sent to the monitor to review it.

Speaking on Matchday Live on Optus Sport, he said: “What would have happened when Michael (Oliver) has made his decision is that the referee and the VAR would have spoken quickly and I think Michael would have said ‘I’m convinced he didn’t get the ball and he’s caught him across the bottom of the ankle’ and in his view it’s a penalty.

:rofl: this Gallagher fella gives Oliver far too much credit.

The conversation would have went much closer to this:

‘Jesus is rolling around on the ground in pain, and I’m certain Thiago has snapped his leg clean off. Jesus is not the type of player to fake it. Also, the Arsenal players are all up in my face so clearly it’s a penalty. It’s passed the Michael Oliver Two Point Sniff Test.’

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What an unbelievably stupid metric for assessing VAR.

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Dale Johnson knows his stuff on VAR :wink:

Compiling data on the use of VAR is one thing, but presenting it in “league table” format is pointless clickbait garbage.


The majority of media articles are click bait,
I thought it would be interesting for others to see.
I`ll remember not to share any in the future :+1:

Did you write the article or something? It’s not a reflection on you. Post whatever you want. But if I disagree with the argument an author makes or how information is presented, I’ll comment on it. It’s a forum. :person_shrugging:

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An alarming thing is, a lot of mistakes are being discussed or put in the spotlight in public. Yet there’s no improvement in the officiating. It’s like people are determined not be bothered.

I agree with you it isn’t easy and personally I am against VAR because it has taken the emotion out if the game and I hate that after a hoal is scired we are waiting for the inevitable check.

However if we are going to use it, it needs to get decusiobs right and if there is a differing of opinion then use tbe screen more because as the example I gave it was pretty clear that there was simulation on Jesus’s behalf and watching the replay I feel should have changed Oliver’s thoughts and in the spirit of the game if you penalise that contact we would still ve watching the game now with all the other freekicks given.

Also that was a pivotal part of the game at 2 - 2

I totally understand that perspective, but play out it. If we start using pitch side review that liberally then the number of stoppages will go way up. And these are the sort that are typically not quick. Are you really ok with the game changing in that way? Based on criticism VAR has already received for these issues I’d say that very few fans really would be.

If we felt this would really eliminate contentious decisions it might be worth considering, but it wont. TV pundits are generally shit, but they are least reflective of how people who supposedly know about the game disagree over basic issues so I always go back to them as an example - how many times do you a half time show on sky where there are pundits who vehemently disagree with each other over a ref decision? And this is after they have been given multiple views and loads of time to think it through.