The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Not funny at all …


Which is what, I believe, happens in Rugby?


The referres are mic’d up all conversation is recorded. There has been huge calls from clubs and broadcasters to be able to hear the decision making process on VAR reviews. So far this has always been knocked back but its due to be reviewed again in the summer.

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Webb’s public comments have acknowledged the need for more transparency over what went into he decisions of the ref and VAR and has pledged efforts to improve that. That is positive he seems to understand the issue at the heart of much of the complaints. He has referenced initiatives they are working on to improve this both in the post-game and in real time, and commented that initial trials with sharing audio with broadcasters has shown how impressive and clear the communication is.

Yet he has vague [reasons] for not being able to implement these initiatives. Not explaining what these are doesnt exactly bode well for what he thinks transparency means or what his benchmark is for clear communication.

Klopp now potentially facing a ban.

Fine with that as long as they reveal what has been said.

Bunch of clowns all the English refs


and Ligue 1

I’d agree.

I want them to release the recording. If it’s bad from Jürgen, ban him. Otherwise, it begs the question of what on earth is wrong with Tierney?

Yeah, there should be transparency in such processes. If a VAR referee can’t see a foul despite having video feed, then there are reasons to believe that there is something nefarious going on in PGMOL and the FA.

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A ban was always coming, in truth it was very juvenile from Klopp, but I understand emotions are near impossible to control all the time. Whatever Tierney said to him followed the cringe celebration from Klopp, separate issue.

An emotional response from an emotional man is described as cringe?

Maybe its an “in your face” reaction to officials who are fucking biased.


Aside from anti Liverpool bias which cost the club before?

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Hahaha him calling Klopp juvenile and cringeworthy with his history of comments. Pot, kettle, black comes to mind.

The officials had called a foul on Salah which shortly after led to their equaliser. The most absurd/corrupt (take your pick) decision you’ll ever see. Agree with you, it was pent up emotion.

Wrong of course but nothing worse than Mason’s actions/reactions to the officials. Of course not a word said about that by our voice of reason fans on this website.


How can he banned considering he was given a yellow, if it was bad enough surely it should have been a red.

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He was bouncing up and down like he was getting ready to have a fight…it was needless, why not celebrate with the bench or with the fans behind you? The 4th official is a nobody, does anyone even know his name?

You were advocating for someone to assault Tierney about 18 hours ago.

So you can exhibit emotions and Klopp is accused of getting ready for a fight?

You know as much about body language as a snipes arse does about bank holidays.

Saying something with a certain type of facial expression is very different to following through with ones action. If you think Klopp’s celebration was perfectly normal then I’ve no problem with you thinking that, for me a manager shouldn’t be doing what he did…it’s what I’d expect to see in a car park between two 15 year old lads before having it out, nothing else to add.

you’re a clown. why even say that.

Because I wanted to?

If they’re going to review Klopp’s behavior, then the PGMOL needs review the officiating group’s performance when it comes to this tackle. look at the flex in Diaz’s knee.

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