The Referees or The Twelfth Man

I couldn’t remember where id seen this but its fair points when you think about it. Explains the change in The Lord of Football Gary “Gobshite” Neville stance too.


Except the part at the end maybe. Fans will 100% forget about it, and already you see much talk about it being Liverpool so it’s not important since it’s never important when it comes to their own clubs, etc.

Relying on rivalries to divide instead of coming together for the good of football, is what they’re doing.

I saw a comment from one fan that said he was glad this happened to Liverpool because they are the best in the world at holding a grudge, and any other team would forget about it. I thought that was a fair point to be honest😂


A large section of Tottenham fans have convinced themselves that the Sissoko handball in the CL was a bad call and that they even had it acknowledged that the decision should not have stood. Neither is correct. When talking about last year’s game, while they remember that Jota put in a potential red card challenge on Skipp before going on to score the winner, they have completely wiped from their mind that Skipp shouldnt have even been on the pitch to be fouled in the first place. This is not based on a argument for Skipp’s foul not being a red, it’s just been wiped from their mind completely Men in Black style.


That handball was a hand ball under the guidance of the game, they keep posting an image that isn’t actually accurate because it’s seconds after it connects

It hits his arm and his arm was unnatural it was a penalty every day and I still expect it would be given today.

It apparently ruined the game, no mention of the 90+ mins they had to score in which they had one good chance and Origi scored a second.



6 posts up @Livvy :joy:

Hoping we get to hear this audio today.

One thing that’s still not clear is when Hooper found out about the fk up - Dermot suggested at HT, others reckon straight away.

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Speaking on MNF Carragher reckons he knew 30 seconds later when the ball went out.



Does Matt actually KNOW both of these things mentioned immeadiately above or is he making a presumption.If Darren England was the only 1 who thought the goal was given then surely during the conversation at the time of checking,others in the room would have realised that he thought this and corrected him.
If the above tweet is true then Darren England must have been the only 1 in the room,or at least the only 1 who had some sort of eye on the game,albeit a distracted one.

I almost expect to find out they were watching the Golf or the Rugby when the goal happened.They then rushed the decision and didn’t realise what they were reviewing(goal or offside) as they weren’t sure what had been called,when it had been called(10,20,30 seconds earlier) and also missed the linesmans flag.

Regarding the still, why did someone in the room not point out that showing that still was not the thing to do.Was it because no one else was there or at least watchin what Darren England was doing?


To be honest it’s a piss poor excuse.

To believe that, you also need to believe that

1/ He was not watching the game
2/ Referee did not offer any communication
3/ He was to scared to ask the ref what do you want me to check?
4/ Once he realised the mistake a few seconds later it never crossed his mind to immediately say. I have made a mistake. Stop the game.
5/ He can’t read, as one of the screens in VAR room matches that in stadium “checking offside”


We know there is video recording of the VAR rooms - maybe we need to ask for the video as well as audio footage.

We will then know whether they were watching the golf, snoozing, playing on their phones etc.


And we got the Manchester duo Sunday :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

Referee: Anthony Taylor. Assistants: Gary Beswick, Adam Nunn. Fourth official: Craig Pawson. VAR: Chris Kavanagh. Assistant VAR: Matthew Wilkes.

Fucking joke this.
Kavanagh on VAR, aside from anything else. …

Liverpool = Threat to City
Fuck them over withdecisions.


Have no issues with Jones’ red card and Jota’s second yellow.

Diaz’s offside is a catastrophic decision and Jota’s first yellow is a joke.


…tossing each other off, they can keep their CCTV…we’ll be able to tell from the fluency of the audio what they were doing. Another reason why VAR needs to fuck off, because now you’re gonna get every club following our lead and requesting audio’s of their own, never had any of this malarkey before VAR.

Not only that, but too the immediate aftermath of the decision… Why was the screen inside the stadium shown as “checking goal for possible offside”, Darren England is a liar, he knew full well the on field call was no goal.

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Yeah, I meant the whole thing.

Already the second time we got Taylor just as Hooper/England were.

Two referees who were in charge of 4 matches out of the 8, that is 50% …

So far we won 1, draw 1 and lost 1, what will Sunday bring … :see_no_evil:

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There are two possibilities really.

  • Darren England upheld the offside decision despite knowing full well Diaz was onside.

  • Darren England did not realise - despite the score being kept at 0-0, despite their being no celebration, despite the clear view of the lino with his flag up - that the goal was offside. Also his Assistant had the same momentary lapse, as did all the staff. And at no point could a message be transmitted to the referee to communicate the error.


Or Darren England was asleep.

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