The Referees or The Twelfth Man

Fuck them, they can cry in private all they want. LFC have forced them to set a precedent by releasing the audio and now every decision they make will be under more scrutiny than ever before. Can’t wait for other clubs to ask for audio for similar incidents in the future.


No issue with drawing the lines quickly in this instance. Its the simple not been clear in the clarification of the outcome whats the issue.


Now everyone that pretended to be offended on behalf of PGMOL (fucking lol!!!) will be glad we pushed for this when their club is on the receiving end.


I highly doubt it.

Whats strange is the audio has been out over an hour and the self appointed God of football Gary the gobshite hasn’t commented.


From what I understood, he seems to be the only one trying to correct the fuck up.

As was said earlier by someone, Hooper must have been made aware of the situation at HT. His response was double down. They really thought they could get away with another apology didn’t they.

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Give it a moment, his statement has to be green lit by his paymasters.

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so it was a huge fuck up by incompetent officials
(who didnt know how to deal with the problem once they relaised they had fucked up)

rather than a deliberate ruling of a goal as offside as part of a conspiracy by some officials to stop us winning

that’s exactly how they want it to read… yep that’s correct.

Wouldn’t surprise me if they sack the tech guy.

He’s the only one with a shred of competency from this.

In fact he seemed to be pretty much on it.

Even asking them at least twice to confirm the touch line.


The bit where they said “they can’t do that” when Oliver asked to restart the game; did they make that rule before or after the game United got a pen after the FT whistle in?

I think the major issue of it is this.

They spend hours over red cards which are subjective and then the simple stuff the really simple stuff they fuck up.

‘PGMOL will hope audio puts conspiracies to bed’

quote from the beeb article…

p.s. I agree - just opens the door to why the hell have it in the first place
p.p.s. ironically this is exactly the type of miss call the process was supposed to prevent!

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This is it for me, why say “check complete”, that can mean anything. Just say “Diaz/attacker is onside, goal good to stand”, you can hear the panic in Darren’s voice as he rushes to say it so I’m wondering if something else has gone on prior…maybe the Jones interference. Both of them are also way too casual….they’re clearly not fit for purpose.


The extension of that is that whatever England was doing he also did not see that Spurs restarted with a free kick and seemed completely lost when it was pointed out to him. So it’s actually a pretty long list of fuck ups that got us here. By my accounting it is the following:

  • He was not watching the game enough to know it was flagged for an offside
  • He offered his decision too flippantly without confirming with his team, all coupled with the issues with the general clarity of language that @ILLOK pointed out.
  • He was not paying attention to the restart to know it was a free kick not kick off
  • He then totally froze in response and sat there doing nothing while being informed by his team he was need to do something…anything
  • His team filled the void and presented him with options to take. He just shrugged and said protocol wont let me do anything.
  • Even worse, he didn’t even share that decision with the ref. Not even to inform the ref at the next break
  • When the ref finally found out at half time he too failed to respond in a way commensurate with the size and nature of the fuck up. He could have had Webb on the phone immediately directing him what to do but seemingly did nothing. He could have taken it in his own hands to directed Spurs to offer liverpool a free goal to start the second half and chose not to
  • the ref then utterly lost his marbles in trying to navigate a second half with the mother of all fuck ups hanging over his head.

Anyone who thinks you fix this with the 2 fairly trivial bulleted items listed by the PGMOL in their remediation plan is a total fraud.

As an aside, I have seen some comments that a lack of clear communication from the Lino contributed to England not knowing the on field decision was offside, but from that footage it seems pretty clear what he was communicating. Even before it went it he was clear with his “delaying delaying” that he thought it was offside and was going to raise his flag as soon as the play ended. I think this sort of proactive communication is maybe one of the biggest surprises for fans when they hear it the first time. The presence of this sort of communication, with as clear and direct as it was, with it being piped into the VAR booth, makes is unfathomable how England could not have known the decision on the pitch.


Completely different situation. The protocol they were so tightly holding to is that once the ref restarts the game after a VAR review then it is over and VAR has no more input. In the Utd game the ball did not go dead between the incident and the final whistle so the window for the VAR review didnt even start until the final whistle.

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I fully agree the audio makes it a much bigger cock up then i ever ever thought it could be.

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Michael Oliver could have asked to stop the game - he is not VAR.
The fourth officials are quick enough to get the referees attention if they want one of the coaching staff booked for disparaging remarks

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Fair enough if the VAR decision was properly communicated to begin with.

Yep…there’s no such thing as can’t, there’s won’t or will not…here’s another little rule that they use to there own advantage…someone shouts expletives at the 4th official…and the game stops and we have a booking…so matey boys…the words STOP THE GAME could have been used, it’s just u didn’t want to…another stitch up for LFC…