The Referees or The Twelfth Man

But why would oliver tell var to stop the game? he was the 4th official in the stadium

Replay operator: “Oli’s saying to delay, Oli’s saying to delay.”

VAR: “Oli?”

Replay operator: “Delay the game, to delay the game? Stop the game.”

VAR: “They’ve restarted the game. Can’t do anything.”

What should be explored more… We could be wrong to presume the Arab state pay the referees directly for their time out there… Obviously they might… But how do we know they are not paying the PGMOL directly, say as you would an agency for their services… They take most of the profit from the payment, and pass the remaining onto the hired hands (Referees).
How do we even know they get paid for doing this officiating… could be providing the referees as a courtesy gesture - which would be worse again.
Normally, if something doesn’t smell right, it is because it is off, or rotten… Which is exactly what seems to be happening here.
Alpha Webb… has been given the role of heading up the PGMOL, how do we know this appointment wasn’t unduly influenced by his pals in the Arab world… In fact, he may be just a plant in their main long term scheme of controlling football in the UK…! Bastards

Oli, in this conversation, is Oli Kohout the VAR ops. Apparently he is very experienced having worked with Hawkeye. He seems to have picked up immediately that there was a communication failure. I’d suggest that this could have been avoided if he had had a kill switch on the match.

From the BBC

“At this point Oli Kohout - the VAR Hub operations manager, who was in a different room to the VAR team - communicates the game should be delayed in a bid to rectify the decision.”

Oli is an anagram of Oil…


Could be Oliver in the stadium…trying desperately to cover up the shit show.

It could well be and that is why they are not releasing his part of the conversation

This is one thing that made me think that they should release the audio for every single game, just because I think it helps fans get an insight into how the game is refereed.

So much for the on-field ref being the final authority, eh?



Evidently Oli and the Tech understand the game better than the refs.

Fills you with confidence


The communication reminds me of this


We need Jackie Chan to sort out VAR…


The only way this makes sense is if England was so fatigued that he couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation. As you say, the lino saying ‘delaying’ is something every VAR would have heard 100 times and knows exactly what it means. The fact he couldn’t join the dots even though he’s done this job countless times says a lot of his mental capacity at this point in time.

Which brings us back to his trip to the Middle East.

The only slight positive in all this is that we clearly can see it’s an absolute balls up rather than corruption.

I also hope this opens the door to every club going the Liverpool route and asking for public release of audio on seriously dodgy decisions. To the point where the powers decide it best just to be transparent in the first place.


Very appropriate since he’s a full on CCP fan, he would 100% fit into the culture at PGMOL.

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No for me we don’t get the audio for dodgy decisions.

Instead we expect referees to be able to act professional over a full 90 minutes and all audio for every game should be available.

It should be so boring and mundane no one should want to listen into it.

That’s how you drive professionalism


Hes not at Stockley apparently hes a VAR offices.

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Makes it even worse then as he could react quicker than that lot.

Are they smoking dope or something?


Yet still close to the top and much easier fixtures ahead than those we have just played

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Three things I learnt from this.

1/ The incompetence is worse than I imagined. I assumed the referees where like in rugby.

Linesman “offside, offside. Referee number 11 offside”
Ref: “VAR I want a check on number 11 for offside”
4th official: “I have checked number 11 he is is on side”
Ref reconfirm he is onside
4th official He was onside

That’s why I expected. They were far to casual.

2/ Just how shit the technology is. They talk about mm accuracy of VAR. What I saw was manual process whereby they take a couple of seconds to manually freeze the frame when leaves foot (not that many FPS as the ball is blurry) then they manually adjust lines. No way there is that accuracy high.

3/ The referees can not handle pressure. They turned what was a simple situation into a shit show. Avoided common sense. Failed to correct mistakes when the game had not meaningfully gone on. If you told me it was their first day on the job I would have believed you.