The Referees or The Twelfth Man

This overturn surpirsed me, particualrly because Curtin Jones’ one wasnt.

Standard FA…making it up as they go along.

Still waiting for the next Mic’d up with Webby the wank to tell us why Odegaard was playing basketball without punishment, amongst other things in the last few weeks.

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Bit disappointed…disappointed we didn’t get to hear a “good process lads” right after “yep, it’s a check complete for me”

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What did he say, well done by the MO?

Howard Webb saying we should have been awarded a penalty when Odegaard decided to play basket ball.

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I guess no consequences for anyone, buissiness as usual Liverpool fucked again, job well done :face_vomiting:


They can take their admissions and apologies and shove them up where the sun doesn’t shine.


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…and he escaped a yellow card

Why are VAR and AVAR so fucking rapid to sing to the referees tune? Everyone can see that’s a pen. Howard fucking Webb can see it’s a pen. Why do the three voices that actually matter think it is? The on field field has every excuse to believe that it’s accidental handball due to Odegaard falling over. The problem here is that the VAR and AVAR have no such excuse - they can see the replays and see that Odegaard handballs it. But they are unwilling to intervene and overrule their mate.

It’s not even like they say at any point it’s 50/50, seen them given, stick with the referees decision or something like that. They don’t acknowledge that the ref got it wrong but not wrong enough to intervene. They just say it’s not a pen. It’s just not credible that three people can look at that and think and all of them independently reach the conclusion it isn’t a pen when everyone else thinks it is. It like watching a kid trying to score points of the popular kid. Do you think that was a penalty? No? Well neither do I then…

There has to be separation enough between the VAR and the referee to the point where the VAR can intervene without worrying if they are bruising the referees ego. I don’t want these bastards sending each other Christmas cards or going to the same fucking Christmas parties.


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Following the Odegaard basketball discussion, they moved on to the Onana handball

At around 2.10 on the footage, Webby says that not giving it would have been very controversial. Whats he scared of? Funny, he didnt say similar about the Odegaard one…the controvesy of Coote, very quickly, saying Odegaard was moving his hand toward his body, check complete.

The tweet i shared missed the end, where Owen simply says ‘one that got away’. On the Onana one Owen challenges the decision, defending the player. I appreciate that Webb admited they ‘didnt reach the right outcome’, but Owen could have piped up and made a fuss about Coote being totally shit.

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Yes, this is almost a textbook case of how important what the ref thinks he’s seen in the VAR process that should be used to explain what clear and obvious means in terms of VAR intervention.

If the ref said “I’ve seen it hit his hand but he looks to be moving his hand back into his body to prevent it striking him so for me that is ball to hand”, then that is a description you cannot argue with even if you disagree with the outcome so there is no margin for VAR yet they’ve still somehow fucked it up.

However, based on this audio, the ref reported something that didnt happen - that he fell and his hand was supporting him (an exclusion for handball). VAR sees that is not actually what happened. He might have looked like he was falling, but he didnt, and his hand was not offering support by being on the ground. It not being on the ground is factual, and that difference makes what the ref did “a clear and obvious” error. What these VAR refs have done appears to be ignoring the clear and obvious standard and just decided the outcome the ref came to was acceptable. This is exactly what we have been told VAR is not doing


When it comes to red cards the approach is the opposite. Rather than a quick look and saying “looked 50:50 to me” they wind the footage back and forth looking for an incriminating looking frame. They’ve spent minutes doing this when there wasn’t even a bleeding foul.

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Don’t know why people waste time picking the bones out of these incidents and questioning the procedures involved.
Kavanagh and Coote are corrupt. It’s that simple.


The VAR refs ignored the clear and obvious standard. That is the crux of the matter.

Even Webb concedes that it should be a penalty. A very magnanimous gesture at this point.

The question that needs to be addressed is why the standard is ignored?

Incompetence? All three of them?

Corruption? Too uncomfortable?

Spurs was a shameful day for football. And it continues.


What gets my goat…
These incidents are passed off as a mistake, it happens…
Surely that ‘mistake’ description is the biggest get out of jail free card ever, in all this… Simply put, It is bias, it is cheating, it is corruption - It needs calling out for what it really is…!
Mistake my arse as Jim Royle would say


I don’t know about the other two, but Coote is involved. He has a very long track record, including games not involving us in any way.