The Referees or The Twelfth Man

It could also have come about, because Clattenberg is noting every action they take… or not.
Let them devour themselves I say…

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Read and learn Forest fans. This is how to do conspiracy theorising. Lightweights. :joy:

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I honestly don’t see that ending well. I want decent refereeing. It’s one element (aside from all the funny money) that makes the Premier League unwatchable dross. (I only watch our games because it’s us).

What are they trying to do here? Are they saying that if you give any decision that benefits Liverpool then we will make sure you won’t sleep at night?

I think if any team had scored against Forest in that manner would still have Clattenberg citing the rules and regulations at the PGMOL at the moment. Forest know there is a points reduction winging its way to them, my view is that Clattenberg is preparing a case for their defence… as in, how can we have points deducted, when the incompetence of the referees has cost us ‘x’ amount of points.!

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1st view of Yates and why Konate went down with an head injury

:camera_flash: Look at this post on Facebook

Under Webb the PGMOL have been fairly clear in their criticism of refs that make consequentially bad decisions and when their subsequent assignments are downgraded or removed as a punishment they are clear about it.

The flip side is there are 20 top level refs and only 10 assignments a week. The top refs then are routinely either assigned to VAR or given an off week, and in this season dominated by discussion on perceived refereeing mistakes every time it happens it is incorrectly treated as evidence of the PGMOL agreeing in whatever fuck up that group of fans are wound up about at the time. It isn’t. It is just math, and in the absence of a PGMOL statement criticizing his decision (they have not made won and will not, because it’s bollocks) should be understood as just normal practice.

They may have downgraded them but they have defended them as individuals. Tierney’s treatment on Saturday, and afterwards in the media, has not been acceptable. And I’m not talking about disgruntled fans. I’m talking about media figures with powerful platforms and literally no sense of proportion.

I find the whole thing utter bizarre. I can only imagine that there is some internal politics at play.

It’s quite breathtaking to see how the Forest narrative gets repeated so much, with barely any pointing out of the 2 minutes gap…


But remember: there’s no media agenda against Liverpool Football Club.

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Oh, totally agree. But my point is the appointment this week should NOT be taken as the PGMOL punishing him for it or even accepting a mistake.

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What’s the latest on public mics for refs?

I really wanted to know why Mo’s goal was disallowed in Prague. It would have been great to have heard the ref explain the reasoning. It would bring much needed transparency to the ‘process’ and take away a lot of the criticism in my opinion. Where there’s an information vacuum, people tend to fill it with their own biased theories.
It’s also possible that players would be forced to be more careful with their comments as they could easily be picked up.
It happens in other sports and I can’t see why it’s not possible in football.

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IFAB have explicitly rejected live audio. What is going to be trialed is for the ref to announce the reason for a VAR overturn, but that isn’t audio of the deliberation…it just mean upon coming back from the monitor they say “goal disallowed for offside.” It gives a trivially increased amount of detail and isn’t the sort of thing that would pick up players being dicks


Yeah. If you watched any of the women’s world cup, that was the first high profile experiment with it and for all the oohhhing and ahhhing about how useful it was, I thought it was hugh let down compared to how it was being sold as a step forward. It is used only in cases of overturns, so still keeps the stadium fans in the dark over what is/was happening with the review while it is happening and on what happened for ones they didnt over turn. And the details provided provides only an amount of information that you’re going to have deduced for yourself anyway.

It looked well onside, but I suspect it’s one of those where the camera angle is deceptive.

Jeeez… What is the game coming to when a referee stops to give autographs to the crowd at half-time…

Premier League referee signs autographs at half time – and Mike Dean lets rip

Mike Dean slammed Premier League referee Sunny Singh Gill for signing autographs at half-time during Crystal Palace’s clash against Luton Town.

It’s a history-making day for him. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt.



If you really need to chastise him, do it privately. No need to throw him under the bus after he became the first Asian ref in the Premier League


Dean is just jealous as he was never asked


I genuinely can’t believe that wasn’t a penalty. There’s literally no excuse for such decision, nothing in the rule book. It’s just a bunch of insecure, incompetent cunts not wanting to take responsibility.

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