The Run In Thread

I think the biggest thing I took from this weekend is that this is a much reduced city than in previous years. Its possible they suddenly kick into gear, but I just don’t see them putting in the kind of run it would take to overhaul 2 good teams. I have them marked down as winning the rest of their games other than a draw away to spurs, but that was a [purposefully high mark to see how many points we’d need to win. In practice I see them dropping points in 2 maybe 3 additional games. I wouldnt be surprised if one or more came in the next 2 games (villa and palace)


We have the hardest run-in. The three away games in a row - especially Everton on 24/4 and West Ham on 26/4 - are tough but if we can collect 6 points from the United’s then I’m hoping we may have a little more of a buffer as both Arsenal (Brighton A) and Cheaty (Villa H and Palace A) could drop points. If we go 4/5 points clear on Sunday then things look very different.


Our fixture list is by far the most difficult of the three. I hope that Man City’s match with Tottenham will be scheduled so that Tottenham actually have something to play for, otherwise they will walk all over them. It will be funny when Man United and Everton combine to deny us the title again and then roll out the red carpet for Arsenal.

That stretch of three away games in a week is going to be brutal. I get that it’s Fulham/Everton/West Ham, but those are still three tricky fixtures all within a few days of each other during a crucial high-pressure period.

I reckon that’s the week the league will be won or lost. If we’re still top after those three games, we’ll win it. We’ll beat Spurs at home, and by the time we play Villa, they should have sewn up CL already. We won’t lose to Wolves at home on the last day with the title on the line.

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I would say Arsenal’s run in is on a par with ours in terms of difficulty, possibly even slightly harder. The thing that I am most concerned about for us is the three away games. The other title contenders have a good spread, home, away, home, away, pretty much… but we have three aways on the spin, and the schedule isn’t great.

One thing the Prem shows us is that sometimes games that look hard on paper prove to be easier than expected, and vice versa.

It’s an old adage, but it’s one game at a time, then see what’s what. Sheffield United. We really should be winning that one well at home, but since they are fighting for their lives, it could be much harder than expected. Turn up. Play hard. Earn it. Take the points. Rinse repeat until the title. Here’s hoping!


Exactly, might be a cliche but the league is won on the pitch.

Not these days.

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Well it technically is even if you talk about the refs.

Well maybe in the VAR room as well but…looking at the fixtures and going yeah that and that doesn’t tell you anything.

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Not true. Guy with a whistle.

Best thing about this run in is that City are not ahead and don’t have easy matches in CL and FA Cup next.

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Based on what is left available, especially if City make it to the CL semis, it’s likely to be midweek before the final game. Spurs could have more to play for than City do at that point. The flip side is if City go on a run, this looks like their hardest game left and so it will really nail biting to have it come so late.

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Their longest winning streak in the league this season is six, which they have done twice. They won their first six games of the season and then six more earlier this year. Their last streak comprised wins over Everton (twice), Sheffield United, Newcastle, Burnley and Brentford.

The only way they win all of their remaining games is with the help of the officials.


I wrote to my Liverpool-supporting mates in our Viber group after the match yesterday that, if we were going to win even one game until the end of the season, it will be a hard fought one. I don’t remember the last time we won a game comfortably - but I can spare enough grey hairs on my head if winning the hard way is the only way to win the title!

I’d feel much better if Arsenal and Man City could drop at least a couple of points each soon, that would basically give us a free hit. I’m not expecting it, though, and that’s why yesterday’s draw was as nail-biting for me as our game against Brighton - you never know if they are going to drop more points, considering the run of form Arsenal is in and considering Man City’s strength and ability to go on such runs every damn season.


Clowns in black…


One thing that gives me encouragement for the the run in is our record against the best of the rest this year. 8 wins from 8 games.Our dropped points came against the other title contenders and we don’t play them anymore.




Bit of good news? Spurs will have an away game (albeit at Chelsea) at the same time as our potential Europa semi final first leg before they come to Anfield.

The newly-released Premier League fixture amendments for live broadcast and the new date for Chelsea v Spurs.

Thursday 2 May
7.30pm Chelsea v Spurs

Friday 3 May
8pm Luton v Everton

Saturday 4 May
12.30pm Arsenal v Bournemouth
3pm Brentford v Fulham
3pm Brighton v Aston Villa
3pm Burnley v Newcastle
3pm Sheff Utd v Nottingham Forest
5.30pm Man City v Wolves

Sunday 5 May
2pm Chelsea v West Ham
4:30pm Liverpool v Spurs

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Hatewatchers :sweat_smile:


I notice it come up most games, I thought ah well that’s another two to list last night.