That was your excuse for not doing the washing up?
She’s not alone
Black holes are kind of crazy when you dive into stuff like black holes at a deeper level. The universe as whole just blows my mind all the time, the size, the idea of expansion, the Big Bang etc.
There may well be a dimension where @Mascot actually does the washing up
Watching this one now. Was waiting for the reference and when it arrived, it brought a tear to my eye. I wiped it with my towel. Hope somebody gets the reference
I don’t where this idea I don’t do the washing up comes from. I do all the washing up. Even though it might not exist in the way we think it does.
It’s either Arthur Dent, or this rumour I’m a washing up dodger.
Thanks, restores my faith in humanity. Unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the galaxy
7 days
Every single thing crossed. God speed James Webb.
Bad idea to be launching James Webb today
Christmas was paused in our house to watch the launch. Amazing stuff.
Now for the world’s greatest ever feat of reverse origami. In space, at 20,000 mph, with no hope of a spanner if it goes wrong.
I’d have put a big red nose on the fucker but then NASA and Musk don’t quite see eye to eye at times!
Takes roughly a month to get into position and unwrap itself now. I wonder what it’s first target will be. Something familiar I hope, pillars of creation maybe? Orion nebula?
God or bust?
Anti-vaxxer’s brain cell?
I think you’d need to spend more than $10bn to find that
Not much of a socialist then this god fellow?
Dunno, never really had a conversation with him but he does seem to be busy creating stuff that we can all share round
Time to get snappin’