The Spursy Thread

This could be quiet a big deal for Spurs. If found quilty, does this bring into question the FA’s Fit & Proper Persons’ test for owners?

If Spurs end up having to be sold, who is out there that would take them on?

For humanity’s sake, I hope he gets what he deserves*****, whatever that is.

*As long as it’s not a Tottenham trophy.

Going to play in Russia … classy.

Take your pick from any of the Gulf States.

They tend to look at clubs the are/can be successful, so why go for Spurs?

Why not?
City before they became Cheaty were very much in the same ballpark as Spursy, maybe even a tad less successful.
And recent history (CL runnersup) have shown they can rise above themselves… …with the infusion of Billions of Oil$$$$$.

London club, brand new stadium.

It’s perfect really

Congrats to Spurs on this remarkable achievement!! From the Audi cup to this…couldn’t even say the name of the side they played today without laughing.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet


Spurs’ Champions dvd coming soon.

This 1 might even surpass Everton’s “look how many times we won the transfer window” DVD sales!!!

I love the way they are celebrating that.

Reguilon’s expression in the background there says it all…thinking in the back of his mind “god, I can’t wait to leave this dump fest of a club”

So would that be a distressed asset to go with his distressed haircut?

He’d certainly have a few more than 99 problems if he buys that shower of shit.

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And a bitch would be one this time

I think he would end up with 11 bitches

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How much David??? This would take Spurs spending to 170m and that’s without getting sales in from anybody…where do they get the money? Must be selling Kane??^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1687408056164851712|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=