The Spursy Thread

Can they afford to sack him :roll_eyes: :tired_face: :weary: :sleepy:

I think so, their owner is a billionaire.

Agreed in most part, but no rules without exceptions. Signing a new contract if you really want out is still a big risk. points at Harry Kane .

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They have such a complete disconnect from reality at Spurs. The side has two really good forwards, and one effective attacking midfielder, maybe a couple of useful players in midfield. That’s it. The talent level just isn’t there to supply Son and Kane, and the defence is dire (Dier?). LLoris is erratic, capable of some great saves, but exactly the opposite of a steadying influence that a side like that needs.

The manager is really secondary to the situation. They have dead-ended themselves in the name of building that stadium. Spurs need to tread water for at least three more seasons, and hope they don’t get into the relegation mix at any point.


Ours are too allegedly :laughing::laughing::laughing:

I agree that Lloris is some what unstable and can have some quite bad games, but I find it a bit strange that you use him as an example of their issues. In my opinion, he is one of the few solid reliable players they have. Wholeheartedly agree with the rest !

I don’t think Lloris is particularly high on their list of problems, but he is way up there on the list of reasons why Spurs fans are delusional. Many seem to point to him as a reason for why they should be a lock for a top 4 side, but I would not place him as one of the four best keepers in the league.


Hmm, I am not sure. I get your point though.

In any case, have a nice day you and everyone else. I am off to slice some pumpkins with a friend :wink:

Who would replace Nuno? They were turned down by a load of candidates last time! Bringing in Steve MacLaren or somebody equally useless would be cutting their nose off!

Kane player manager :grin::grin:

Timmy :star_struck:

5 points off top 4 so I doubt Levy will panic.

Considering they went for about 5th choice last time wouldn’t it be a bit silly to sack him unless they are happy for Conte to have everything he wants and even he may wait for the Man Utd job now.


Good article about the stagnation at Spurs, with the finger pointed squarely at Levy.


Sadly that won’t fix anything, as those who made the mistake are getting off so will carry on making the same bad decisions. They really need to fuck Levi off and get in new blood


I say that as Levi is a right proper cunt and deserves to be sacked for his cuntish attitude to dealing with other clubs - there is a reason most chairmen/managers/DoF’s hate trying to sign Spurs players, becaus ethey know that it will end up dealing with him and him constantly backtracking on agreements and generally having a cuntish attitude

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I think he met the sadly bit. Fuck all sad about it.

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Nuno sacked.

Feels harsh.