The Summer Olympics, this time in Paris

How on earth do they get those horses to dance like that. I was truly blown away by it…and became a bit emotional watching the British performance. :cry:

His name is Gio and he dances on the sand


Very good :+1:

British rowing love a 4th place finish!

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This has absolutely fascinated me. I dont think any of the coverage I have seen has even come close to expressing just how badly she was off her game. The vault she missed was not just a missed a vault, but one in which she looked like an amateur she missed it that badly. And that despite attempting something with a trivial level of difficulty. this was not something where she just decided she wasn’t up to it and walked away, it was a case of the best of all time all of a sudden developing the yips and not being to make the equivalent of a 12 inch put. But on an activity that can maim her for life.

The criticism from the right (why the fuck is this shit always political) berating her because Kerri Strung did it on a broken ankle is missing the point of how broken she seems to be, and ignoring that she has repeatedly succeeded while competing hurt. Gymnastics is like UFC…you never get to compete healthy you just need to put it aside and do the best you can with the pain and limitation. She has done that all her career, and this was seemingly something way different.

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“Keep politics out of sports” says the group using perceived weakness or failure to jump on athletes they politically disagree with (or black people, they count as valid targets no matter what their politics).

In this short week we’ve seen the right go after Simone Biles and the US Women’s Soccer team - both incredibly successful - as ‘weak’ and ‘losers’ because they tie in politics to their narrative and jump on them at the first opportunity.

Also worth mentioning that Simone Biles is the only person at these Olympics who was abused by Larry Nassar.

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Mental health matters only to some when it’s used as an excuse to life Covid restrictions.

I did wonder how long their concern would last.

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Loving the triathlon relay, superb idea :slight_smile:

I’d like to make a suggestion. If a tennis string goes whilst playing normally a player should be able to change their racket. If they smash it deliberately they should be made to play on with the twisted remains :rofl:

It would soon cut down on this sort of outburst but where it still happened it would make for some fine entertainment!

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Really the double loss and a further loss couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke :rofl:

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just so theres no confusion…you’re not a monarchist, are you?

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Mixed events are brilliant. Loved the 100 m swimming when the big Dressel starts the final leg against the women half a lap behind. And when the Poles won the althetics mixed.

While on swimming what an incredible performance from my Aussie team. Still a couple more chances on the final day and possibly go down as the greatest Aussie swim team ever. That’s an amazing achievement given our proud swimming history.

And they seem to get on. Not sure the Jamaican women sprinters are best mates.


Lord Fat Slob of twatshire is a Labour peer and a former Labour minister. That makes him a ‘socialist’ doesn’t it?


Why would it?


some last day as well…

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Australia is just an incredible sporting nation, always punching way above her weight. New Zealand can often even take that up a notch.

Great Britain doing itself proud too. Incredible BMX stuff, amazing from Charlotte Worthington, and Max Whitlock on the pommel horse, wow - take a bow.

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That’s because they still have a chip on their shoulder.

Bloody convicts. :wink:

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Great Britain currently with as many gold medals as Germany, France, Spain, and Italy combined.


Anyone else think that there really are too many swimming events though? Just have distances, no separation of styles. There’s no gold medal for running the fastest 100m backwards.

It’s a bit of a nonsense if you ask me! Glad we’re doing well in the pool, sure, but a single athlete able to win 6, 7, 8 medals in a single games is a bit of a farce, for me.


Sindhu is awesome :clap:

Hey that’s enough out of you….

Us convicts love it….even your 4 countries couldn’t beat our women footballers….

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