The Summer Olympics, this time in Paris

When historically one athlete is likely to sweep a large number of events, its an indication that there isnt a meaningful enough difference among them to justify all of them.

On the track though, I absolutely hate the rule that you get DQed after just 1 false start.


i dont get this train of thought, its a swimming meet and has been this way for a long while.

its not like anyone is gaming the system, and its not hurting anyone in anyway at all. why TAKE race events away from athletes?


So two athletes decided to share a gold medal. What a load of shit. How can that even be allowed?

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Their highest successful jumps were at the same height and they were even in ever other tie breaker. In the 100M if there were two runner who were in a dead heat they wouldn’t make them run it again they’d declare it a draw.

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Sorry mate, I have to disagree here. Given her superior physical attributes, Sindhu can and should be performing much better than what she is delivering on the court now. I was not very impressed with her performance against He Bing Jiao as Bing Jiao was controlling the match but made too many errors. I am pretty sure if it was Marin, Tai Tzu Ying or Chen Yu Fei on the other side of the court, she would have lost the match.

Sindhu should take a leaf out of Axelsen’s book. They are both dominant physically, but the latter makes so much better use of his reach and height. Axelsen has also improved on his stamina, which used to be his main weakness.

On a related note, congrats to Chen Yu Fei for winning the gold medal against Tai Tzu Ying. It was a battle of tactics and stamina. Yu Fei managed to defend well (like the Italian football team) and gave Tai very few opportunities for out right winners.

Will be interesting to see the badminton men’s singles gold medal match between Axelsen and Chen Long today. Both are in good form. I foresee it will be similar to the women’s singles match, but Axelsen’s smashes are much more powerful so I am not sure if Chen Long can withstand the barrage of attacks.

PS: to the others, apologies, I know badminton isn’t really watched by much here. But do catch the women’s singles gold medal match or the upcoming men,'s singles match to get a flavour of the game!

He was never a Labour peer, he was made a peer by Labour but never became a Labour peer and sat as a crossbench peer until 2020. He was a junior minister and a rather poor one at that.

Cabinet’s are none political hence the coalition just a few years after.

The guys flirted with UKIP and the Tories so he is about socialist as National Socialists in Germany in the 20’s-40’s

If you’re a sprinter, you could potentially win the 100 200 400 and relay. If you’re a good swimmer you can win as many medals as metres you swim apparently.

I have always thought that. Summed up by Michael Phelps winning 23 gold medals, 28 medals in total…

Not the same though…is it? The 100 metres is a one off race and is completed when they cross the line…To have two athletes decide unilaterally not to carry on competing is setting a precedent. I have a feeling that loophole will be closed before Paris and rightly so.

If the 7 golfers yesterday had decided not to play the extra holes, the podium would have been dangerously overloaded.

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That’s not how it happened though.

They were offered the choice by the officials.

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if two humans who have been through the journey these guys have, to sacrafice everything they have, get to the world stage and realise their (probably) life long dream, sit equal top, look across to his competitor and through mutual respect, call a tie, well that’s good enough for me.

internet; ‘that sucks, weak, not in the spirit of the games’ …LOL…




There have been some serious fast times on this track, plus the obliteration of the women’s triple jump world record. That Italian fella has seemingly had only run under 10 seconds once, fractionally, and then rocks up here and blows past the mark twice in the same day, smashing the European record in the process. The women’s 100m is generally considered to be a mistake, but even Flo Jos next best time has historically been so out of range of the best women, and that time got matched this time around.

Translation: set by one of the biggest doping cheats in the history of women’s athletics.

The time we saw to win the women’s 100m on the weekend is, for me, the fastest clean time ever run by a woman.

*until proven otherwise

It’s not even just the doping. It’s that her official word record is so much faster than even any of her other times, and achieved in the heats of the US olympic trials, that it is generally assumed there was something wrong with the timer. Her next best official time (ignoring some that were wind assisted) is still so far out ahead of what anyone else has ever done that in two generations only a couple of women have ever been able to sniff at it since. Until this track.

Congratulations to Simone Biles for coming back to win a medal. Fantastic performance from Guan Chenchen for the gold.

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To add to the above comment about the track, I just read that all 3 medalists ran faster than Kevin Young’s old record, one that had previously been so out of reach that it had stood since 1992 until Warholm broke it a few weeks ago. Not only that, but the guy who got second did so with a faster time than Warholm’s recent record.

Yes, incredible. I seem to remember reading that tracks have to be assessed to make sure that they’re not too fast given the technology now available. I presume Tokyo meets the threshhold but it’s certainly looking pretty fast right now.

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stupid question here.

if its ‘generally considered to be a mistake’ why dont they just time it again from the footage?

What’s everyone’s take on the Denmark-Britain crash in the men’s team pursuit? Usually in sports, when someone is getting lapped they politely make way. Is that usually how it’s done in track cycling, particularly for a cyclist who has fallen off the back of his group? There is more than a little bias but the Brit commentators suggested it’s all Denmark’s fault. Denmark likely were going for a world record. Just disregarding for a minute the fact that the lead Danish rider had his head down, if he had seen the Brit rider, is Denmark meant to ride around a lapped rider and throw the chance of a world record away?

I imagine most world records broken in the track cycling are going to be in a similar situation where the leading team need to get around the losing team. What usually happens there?