The Tesco Test…

not sure who have watched Powder Blue but I’ve always had a thing for Jessica Biel.

Nobody has done a bodysuit better than Kate Beckinsdale.

and honorable mention to the ageless wonders Selma Hayek and Catherine Zeta-Jones.

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Am I reading this correctly ?

I don’t know, are you? :rofl:

What can I say, I find intelligence attractive.

I was wondering why you’ve been stalking me :thinking:

Eva Green.

Another one for the list, although I reiterate that it’s all subjective.

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10/10, no disagreement or else I’m changing everyone’s avatars to a random choice between Guardiola’s and Ferguson’s mugs!

I definitely disagree…

She’s 15/10

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Cynical’s right this time. She may be a wonderful actress, I don’t know, but she’s average looking.

The ultimate winner of this dubious prize has to be Lady Di. A completely ordinary looking woman who was hilariously touted as the world’s most beautiful. Total delusion.


Even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day :stuck_out_tongue:

Back to being wrong C.

I’m going to upset a lot of people here (not that I give a flying fuck) but Kate Addo and Melissa Reddy are other Tesco Test failures.

Both have dyed hair/hair extensions. Whoop-di-fucking-do. Facially, they’re average… at best. Wouldn’t give either of them a second look if they were behind the till at my local supermarket.

Assuming you mean Kate Abdo?

both are journalists aren’t they? they’re not there for there for their looks, officially, so i don’t think this one is legitimate…

even if it is (because its your game and you get in a strop if you cant have your own way) i agree with Abdo, Reddy is a bit plain Jane, but i think shes still hot…

But they wouldn’t have got their jobs if they looked like Susan Boyle.

LOL, wasnt that long ago you could say the same thing about ‘front of shop’ girls aswell…

is it?

i thought the point was to suggest alot of ‘Hollywood stunners’ arent as good as all that compared to Tesco Girls

its an odd point to begin with;

  1. beauty is subjective
  2. not everyone is an actress and alot of the ‘bombshell’ girls have a basic/advanced acting technique
  3. we are all just human, its not like we are comparing a diamond to a pile of dog turd…a good looking check out chick will never be miles away from a hollywood actress

but i digress. this is all starting to slide into the territory of judging a women on her looks, not her talent.

ill give you one…Toni Collette…hardly the absolute stunner you expect from a leading hollywood actress ‘traditionally’…but, wow, what a talent. theres a lady judged on Talent.

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Its a bit unfair on some of the actresses that first became sex symbols 20 years ago.

Its like showing a picture of Britney Spears today, and going there are better looking girls at your local Tesco. Besides simply getting older, fashion and trends change. What was considered sexy in the 80s,90s, 2000s compared to today is different.

People are also attracted to not just the physical appearance but the character they play. Britney Spears was not that attractive. But her first video was dressed as a school girl.

For example I was really attracted to Lilly James in Yesterday. But thats somewhat the point. Her role is to be the love interest. The cute girl friend. The one the star falls in love with.

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Of course they do. Whilst everyone has their own individual tastes, it is undoubtedly influenced by society.

Dara highlights the absurdity of it here:

Have you tried going closer?


Maybe Asian actresses would be more your thing?