The thread for jokes that don’t meet Flobs’ exacting standards

Guy gets injured after committing robbery. Maybe it was a smash and grab style or maybe there was threatening behaviour. Not sure why someone feeling he received instant Karma is a bad thing?

I don’t feel a sense of injustice at the sight, but I don’t find it funny or amusing either.

He was probably on drugs so thought he could fly…

Possibly! Maybe he was on drugs and thought he was a penguin but forgot they can’t fly

Not sure where you think anyone said it was amusing or funny.
Don’t be fooled by the thread title, half the shit in here isn’t funny either

I’m indifferent. Don’t feel bad he got hurt nor happy he got hurt. He committed robbery and accepted the risks that come with that choice.

Maybe we should start another thread to discuss this :thinking:

True enough.

Sorry, I’ll stop posting in here :slightly_frowning_face:

@aussielad dont be silly mate, i enjoy looking at your stuff.

Well at least someone has good taste for comidy genius :rofl:

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@Retro_Helix still not as bad as

No but you said he should have landed on his head and died. Hope you and your wife aren’t having a bad time at the moment…

Ah but at least we’re now back on speaking terms :heart_eyes:

Which one of you is Jason and which one Kylie again?


Where did I say anything about him dying?
Landing on your head and having some sense knocked into it is a common phrase.

But you’re happy for clowns like this stealing and running out of shops, potentially putting innocent shoppers at risk in the process.

Well done you

Course I am! :rofl::man_facepalming:

You’d like to think since you asked nicely they would both answer …especially for you :grimacing:

Yeah, but “and do the world a favour” is also a pretty common saying for wishing someone had died.