The Trials of Donald J Trump

Yes, a private citizen is facing two trials for conduct in his personal life, the first of which is scheduled to start next week. What point are you trying to make in raising it?




That is why I mock the US politics. Does not take much effort really. A criminal going as the main nominee still. No one has the guts to change. Oh we have gone too far, it’s either red or blue, you cannot take any other position. Right now, both parties can nominate Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse as their candidates and the mindless supporters will still vote for them. You can continue climbing up the wrong tree and claim you are too far up to change trees and yet knowing you gonna get shit. What a joke of politics from a country who claims to be a world leader.


Think the guy on the right needs to start doing his washing on colder wash cycle… and the hat on another cycle below that - there is a limit to how far fabric will stretch once it has been shrunk to its limits :0)


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And its not just the US as well!

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Again, no actual defense posed other than just attacking the prosecution for being politically motivated, ignoring that the evidence was clear enough for the jury to convict with barely any deliberation needed. And this coming from a man who was showed to be a victim of the same election interference scheme that was being charged - the prosecution’s key witness was Pecker who started off the case by laying out his role in a coordinated campaign of using his rag to push bad stories about Trump’s challengers (Cruz’s dad shot JFK :joy:) while burying bad stories about Trump.


’ I am furious and heartbroken’ … lol

Sure you are Ted.


Off to Cancun then


I guess the real question is… do these 34 felony charges prohibit him at all from running for president??

or, it’s it a dog and pony show…

In the same way that every article about a youth team footballer calls them “highly regarded”.



He won’t go to jail either. Hopefully they’ll make him do community service.

They aren’t charges any more. He’s been found guilty.


Can’t they fine him ?

I hear he’s getting money by the millions now. To the extent that his fundraising site has hit issues.

No point in fining a billionaire really. Much better to have him cleaning up graffiti in the South Bronx.


fuck the Yankees.


Knowing the dumb shit he is. He’ll probably pay the fine from his campaign money.


Seeing as you do this, its not jail anymore

penitentiary :crazy_face:

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He is now a convicted felon (technically he wont be until sentencing). This does not stop him from holding office (amazingly. Surely a lack of imagination from the framer’s rather than their intention), but people are now faced with the question of whether they should or can vote for such a person. The press and professional opinion havers are very quick to claim this all means nothing, but the only thing we know for sure is it will mean nothing if we all just act like it means nothing because we assume other people will think that.

We can look at polling data on what people said a conviction would do for their choice, and that is ambiguous. But it’s also relevant that very few people believed a conviction was a realistic possibility (20-30% in most polls) so asking the question today will maybe result in a meaningfully different result. Given that, I think the appropriate response now is to treating him from here out as a felon, very quickly and unambiguously convicted in a court of law, and make people face the reality they previously probably werent considering was a possibility.


Maybe the point he is trying to make is that the law must not be seen as to discriminate on whether you are presidents son or not. It’s a serious case that wouldn’t be newsworthy if it wasn’t Bidens son.

Same thing can be said of the investigation on Bidens documents, and no prosecution. It would have looked really bad if there was no investigation.

I cannot fathom a reality where a convicted felon is able to take office as president. that’s just a :exploding_head: concept for me.

Then I think about how completely nefarious some of the country leaders are in other parts of the world. maybe he’s just trying to fit in.


This is what struck me. I was dreading the wait, yet came on ‘here’ (TAN) and it was already done.

Surely this indicates that any appeal is a waste of time, no?
Sure Trump will appeal (if he has any lawyers left after not paying them) however all it will do is reinforce the opinion that 'these idiots haven’t any common sense (at least to me).

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