Protected political speech. lol
I heard they are trying to put a shock collar on him during the court proceedings :0)
Trump found in contempt again by the judge ;
Justice Merchan says that his job is to “protect the dignity of the justice system,” and calls Trump’s violations of his gag order “a direct attack on the rule of law.”
Justice Merchan is speaking directly to Trump, in an extraordinary moment. He tells him he’s finding him in contempt of the gag order a 10th time, but that the $1,000 per instance fines aren’t working and that he has to consider jail. “The last thing” he wants to do is put Trump in jail, the judge says, adding, “You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well.”
“The last thing I want to do is put you in jail," Justice Merchan said, adding quickly, “But at the end of the day I have a job to do.”
As the judge delivered his remarkable admonition, Mr. Trump stared straight at him, blinking but not reacting, and when the judge concluded, the former president shook his head. - NYT
Jeffrey S. McConney,corporate controller at the Trump Organization is giving evidence.
We just now learned that the payment came from Trump’s personal bank account.
I don’t know if I’m reading too much into this , but that strikes me as devastating evidence , completely scuppering Trump’s defence that it was all down to Cohen and that he knew nothing about it.
Stormy Daniels, the porn star at the heart of Trump’s hush money trial is in the courthouse and is expected to testify today.
Trump has already had to delete an angry post this morning , most likely at the behest of his lawyers , for fear of violating his gag order once again.
This should be fun.
He just doesn’t get it.
Pretty clear that he’s angling for jail time. It would be a great propaganda coup.
They should find some other way to sanction him.
Trump has been announced as the keynote speaker at a key meeting of the Minnesota GOP later this month. The relevance? It is the same night as Baron’s graduation. Looks like Trump is going to maintain for his 0 for record in showing up for his kids’ shit.
Actually, what makes that really funny is the fact that he was given the day off trial in order to attend that graduation.
What is the time difference between NY and minnisota and what is the flight time?
Could it be possible to do both?
The court has just gone into a break after the first session with Stormy. It sounds like it has been utterly excrutiating for Trump having to sit there and just take it without being able to open his big mouth in reply.
Apart that is from one instance that I found particularly striking. Apparently it came when Stormy was recounting the story of her spanking him with a rolled up magazine , and he was seen to mouth clearly ‘Bullshit’. It’s remarkable because he still denies that they ever met in that room or had sex , but this particular titbit still managed to elicit from him a public denial. The embarrasment of it was clearly just too much for him to ignore.
A lot has been made of the fact that , regardless of the verdict , the process itself is his punishment. I think we are seeing that now.
Central time zone, so one hour difference. About 3 hours flight time depending on where in Minnesota.
Not sure what US is like, but a lot of the graduation ceremonies around GC and Brisbane would be held on a Saturday early afternoon with the plan that the official ceremony would be finished by roughly 2:30-2:45.
If the GOP meeting is an evening meeting, then in theory it wouldn’t be that hard for him to get to both
Trump doesn’t care about being at his son’s graduation. He got the day off court, but intends to use it campaigning. If he does go to the graduation ceremony, it is because he sees it as an advantage to himself.
Just wondering if this is something else he could be hauled across the coals for. If he asked for the day off for one thing and does another he’s essentially lied.
Thinking about it, i suppose tge prosecution could use it to demonstrate that anything he says cant be trusted.
The thing is… the lad has probably worked quite hard to graduate - It is his day, one for his memory banks - then you got this buffoon turning up with a media circus to take the shine completely away from the kid
FT reporting that Federal judge has postponed indefinately hearing into the classified documents case.
Yep, she feels they cannot get through the various pre-trial issues and meet the May schedule previously set so clearing that schedule and waiting to set a new one.
Chances of a pre election hearing now are incredibly slim and this was for the most slam dunk case
Largely due to her own incompetence by allowing a log jam of unresolved issues to build up. Back in March even Trump’s own lawyers said they were happy to proceed with the case in August. Instead she has been all too willing to pile postponement upon postponement by entertaining some of the more unlikely , and time -consuming , motions that the defence has put forward. Whether by design or unintentionally she has given Trump what he wants most ; to avoid accountability until after the election.
It’s a Trump placed judge doing him a solid. Delay delay delay, let’s see what happens in the Presidential election, and then hopefully [from their perspective] it will all blow away.
Either he will get a ruling from the Supreme Court that what a President does in office is not unlawful, so he will be further emboldened to do what he likes; or he will move the levers of power, once back in the Whitehouse, to avoid justice for past deeds, and future coming deeds, while continuing to enrich himself and his cronies.
It’s imperative he doesn’t win the election, or all bets are off with regard to justice ever catching up with him.
It will be interesting to see the outcome of the current case. He has a mountain of lawyers looking to spoil it, and hopefully get a mistrial, or some tangential thing to avoid justice. If he is found guilty on all charges, and the jury is united on that, it will be fascinating to see what sort of tariff the judge will apply.