The TV Thread redux

You won’t have yet. The creative stuff will be mapped out over the next 12 months - GAW are famous for being very careful over their franchises and will want to have as much control over the writing as they can.
Assuming GAW and Amazon are still happy It will then progress onto production so we’re probably 2 or 3 years for a show/ movie to be ready.

When Henry Cavill first emerged as being involved in this there was some talk about him being Inquisitor Eisenhorn. I haven’t seen anything since but you are right there are a lot of possibilities. I’m not that familiar with 40K characters or storylines I’ve always been more interested in the fantasy variants of Warhammer and am only just starting to follow the futuristic stuff.

I told you a while back that I’d only just started getting into the lore (my word, it’s a massive, massive world) because one of my best mates talked me into starting to play Warhammer 40K: Tacticus on my phone (hence me asking a few weeks back if there were any White Dwarf readers who were willing to give me the code that came with one issue to unlock one of the characters - yes, I’m an addict, don’t judge me! :joy: ).

By the way, IGN speculated that Cavill would play Primarch Roboute Guilliman (which would make sense since he’s a key character from what I’ve managed to gather so far). However, since there’s a big time jump in the lore, perhaps he could play multiple characters?

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I’m still dreaming of StarCraft TV show adaptation. I wouldn’t be able to tell if I’d have higher expectations of it than of upcoming Fallout TV show.

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I am seeing adverts on the buses about this ‘Rebel Moon’ film.

The trailer looks interesting, but the reviews were not great, has anyone seen it yet? Is it any good?
It reminds me of Star Wars abit.

Nope havent seen it yet. Its a Zack Snyder film so i always go into those with low expectations.


I am watching Fantastic Beasts later, after the match and then maybe the Clooney film ‘Out of Sight’

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How can you see it if it’s out of sight? :thinking:

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Boom boom!:smiley: you opened the Christmas crackers , terrible jokes too soon.

Tbh, not feeling Christmassy at all this year.

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Episode 3, 24:30 in, hilarious.

Watched Stranger last night, pretty good :+1:.

Maybe only those of us in RTE land…

Just watched Gavin Friday and Maurice Seezers adaption of Peter and the Wolf. The animation is based on the original illustrations by Bono.

It’s simply brillliant.

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I assume that will be on the RTÉ player? That works in Germany.

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Its on the player

Watched episode 1 of Boat Story this evening.


Really enjoyed the Dr Who Christmas special :eyes:

Dr Whoke

I love the Christmas specials, cos they tend to wind up the hardcore fans by being light and silly.

Prime dropped the first 3 episodes the Friday the week before Christmas then it’s one a week, bastards. Easy to watch, interesting story line that will keep you engaged and need to pay attention and great fight scenes. The humour is an added necessary bonus to lighten the gratuitous killings.
The books are great too if you’re looking for something to get into.