The TV Thread redux

I’d highly recommend Forever on Amazon.

It’s a sweet and funny comedy with Maya Rudolf and Fred Armisten about middle age, marriage, second guessing life’s decisions and all that stuff. I’d honestly never heard of it until I started scrolling for something on Amazon a few nights ago and that surprises me for two such well known actors for a show that is now about 5 years old. Other than they stopped at the one season I dont get why it got so little attention.


I was mentioned on here a year or so ago when Stanley Tuchi’s much loved food show was cancelled by CNN as part of Discovery’s post-acquisition slashing of costs. It’s just been announced he’s struck a deal with Disney to resume the show next year on Nat Geo :heart:

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Started to watch Slow Horses after seeing a few recommendations in this thread, very much enjoying it so far


I’m waiting another couple of weeks to start S3 so I do a proper binge. So right now I’m doing Jenna Coleman’s really bad infidelity revenge drama thing on Amazon called Wilderness. It’s bad, but she does, for completely inexplicable reasons, a (posh) Swansea accent for the character.

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Straight into Reacher season 2

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Jesus this was shit.

Jenna’s accent was surprisingly good though. Although still completely inexplicable. The story would have been no different at all had she been a generic english woman.

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Prefer season one so far, but glad its back

I saw something a while ago that had Billie Piper doing a Derry accent. Apparently, the part required an Irish accent and for whatever reason she went for Derry which is pretty singular.

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I thought this had finished a long time ago. It has to be the most annoying programme on tv.

I stopped watching when Sue Barker took over. I found her constant fawning over the team captains quite nauseating…


Agreed. Went downhill after the halcyon days of Emlyn Hughes, Willie Carson and Bill Beaumont. Should’ve been binned years ago.


I didn’t mind it when Ally McCoist was a captain, but not really bothered with it for years. Not sure I will miss it

My wife was scrolling through Netflix looking for something, so to piss her off I suggested a random show she scrolled past and said that one’s really good. I “rewatched” the first episode with her and now I’m hooked.

Obliterated - 8 episodes.

I watched the trailer for that after watching Reacher on Friday and thought it looked interesting. Would have given it a watch then but am guessing its not suitable for when there are kids in the room :rofl:

Definitely not.

Not sure whether to post here or film thread, but TV shows/ movies about the grim dark 40k universe are a step closer. Games Workshop announced yesterday they have agreed a deal with Amazon. Henry Cavill appears to be making progress!

Warhammer Guard GIF

Comic adaptations are dead. Long live game adaptations

FWIW, I started watching the Godzilla/Monarch Apple show this week. I hated the film (Wisened old Japanese guy utters some eastern mystical BS, “he brings balance”…you cannot just say something that means nothing as the basis for the film and move on), but it’s pretty good.

It splits between the present day and the creation of Monarch in the 50s (with a younger version of the character played by John Goodman in the film and Wyatt Russell playing the 50s version of his dad’s character from the current time line), and while the initial Japanese twist seems completely unnecessary once it moves on from that it’s pretty good and uses the monsters judiciously (so far at least). The funny thing is I’ve never seen the resemblance between Wyatt and Kurt before, but there are scene transitions they do where it shifts from one of their faces to the other and it’s absolutely uncanny.

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I’ve not come across any rumours regarding the setting (or timeline, to be more precise) but Cavill could definitely play multiple characters there. Having seen him with grey hair in The Witcher, I’m confident he’d be perfect for the role of Marneus Calgar!

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I’ve only watched the first of the Godzilla movies from the recent crop. Much of the storyline is forgettable, its really just about seeing him kick ass!

I’m a fan of Kurt Russell and so when I saw the trailer to the Monarch show I was pretty excited to see him in it and was hoping it would be like the old cartoon from the 80’s with the crew of the Calico having him on hand…and Godzooookyyyyy!

Japan Sunglasses GIF

There are flashbacks to the film that show fleeting footage of him, but other that that his first proper appearance is in the 4th or 5th episode, with him swimming in the distance and then emerging out of the water.

And you fucking know my brain reflexively kicked in with

“up from the depths
30 stories high
breathing fire his head in the sky”