It’s going to be an over-produced, hyperactive, vapid pile of shit. But I could be wrong.
My hope is that it could be seasons 1-4 of GoT - a big cast of characters, rich complex plot of machinations where everyone has their own motivations, with some jaw-dropping setpieces sprinkled throughout.
My fear is that it will be seasons 6-8 of GoT - huge cast of nobodies you don’t care about, baffling motivations, plot abandoned in favour of endless parade of CGI action sequences that often make no sense.
Haven’t been able to get into it.
Sounds awful. Will have to watch just to see how overblown the sex and nudity really is.
They’re going to fuck it up. The insertion of as much agenda driven 21st century politics as possible. Fat black trans elves here we come.
If it’s shit, I kinda hope it’s Obi Wan Kenobi levels of shit. At least I got a few good unintended laughs out of that one.
I don’t have an issue with that. Elves are fictional after all. I do have an issue with making Anne Boleyn black. Would Martin Luther King Jr ever be played by a white man?
If there’s a scene where two dwarves try to sneak a hobbit over the border by hiding him under a big coat they’re wearing while standing on each other’s shoulders, it will have been worth it.
Elves were specifically described by JRRT, portraying them as anything but tall and fair and beautiful is blatant modern agenda pushing. As for a white actor playing a famous black historical figure, let’s see it. But we won’t.
Storm troopers can’t shoot or count, that’s how it worked.
Aren’t elves kind of non-binary?
Anne Boleyn wasn’t black.
Not in JRRT’s mind I suspect. Wasn’t a concept (in the wide world) in his day. As Elves had families, they certainly knew the difference between boys and girls.
It’s funny that the people who claim to be most annoyed by “woke” politics are the ones who are always bringing it up and even creating theoretical situations to get annoyed about.
Anyway, they just need to make a decent TV show and base it loosely around the ideas of the books. Controversial opinion alert but the books themselves are pretty boring reads, cool concepts and inspired entire genres of novels for the future but yeah, trying to read through the first 200 pages of The Fellowship of the Ring is an exercise in patience to the extreme.
As long as it’s not like The Hobbit movies it should be fine.
It’s the ‘just a decent TV show’ bit…I don’t particularly envy the writers on this. Loads of expectations, fandom, shitloads of money involved, I’m guessing all decisions being questioned by committee or supervisors. Probably a pretty difficult creative environment. Pay is probably decent though…
And every single female in town happens to be drop dead gorgeous
Because we’re utterly pissed off with it destroying all the things we held to be great. Have you watched Starwars, Startrek, Dr Who, Marvel in the last 10 years? Men being humiliated by strong women is the least of the issues. Look what they did to Luke, my absolute hero as a child. Utterly humiliated his character and bringing the emperor back just laid waste to everything they all did in the original films. Watch the first season of JW’s Dr Who. Evil white men do bad things. As for modern Startrek, where to start? And Marvel? Loki? The arch trickster who becomes a complete pussy and gets repeatedly kicked in the balls by the strong woman? How many examples do you need? And as an encore, that 10 stone woman kicking Kingpin’s ass in the finale of Hawkeye? Don’t waste my time.
The magic and beauty of Squid Games was that the women were every inch rivals for the men. Not because they un-realistically beat them in physical combat but they beat them with guile, intelligence and strategy.
But some just see this as white man rants about inequality in the movies. There’s absolutely nothing wrong (how could there be?) with strong characters of all ethnicities and genders, just put them in their own stories, don’t make Jean-Luc Picard a pathetic apologist. Picture of a £5 note to the first person to quote this.
Only read through the whole thing and the Silmarillion and the books of lost tales and countless other books on hard repeat for about 3 years. Just the trilogy 17 times. You see we disagree slightly on this.
As in you’ve tried an episode or 2 and not liked it or there’s been too much to watch that you haven’t got round to it?
That’s just terrible.
As in you’ve tried an episode or 2 and not liked it or there’s been too much to watch that you haven’t got round to it?
I tried watching the first episode but it just didn’t grab me.