The Unreliable LFC Transfer Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 3)

Not quite, if we sign his brother Colo he won’t need a medical because ColoNOscopy

21 to 27.
You’re on

Can you even be done for tapping up anymore? I feel like so many deals are agreed with the player long before the clubs start negotiating that “tapping up” feels very mid-2000s.


Did you type this out last season? £80m won’t get you Harry Maguire’s left foot this season. Or do you just have low expectations? Bloody FSG are subverting the fans’ expectations to the point where we’re barely above Evertonians.


My understanding from Kopstars’ various explanations is the issue is less with talking but more the outcome of those talks - what actions the player takes as a result of your overture - that creates a legal issue.

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my fav RnB group of all time^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1692177335599177903|twgr^|twcon^s1_&ref_url=

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The guy is just taking cheap shots at LFC…

Of course he is.

But you can’t deny we’ve made ourselves into easy targets in this regard.

Much the same way we ridicule Man U for splurging on duds.

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Now that Martin Tyler has retired, this guy will be looking for other targets… If he is factual in his spiel, then there is no comeback… and yes, we can laugh at ourselves easy enough. Thing is, as a football club, we could do without exposure like this, especially when other morons on social media take up the baton to strike us over the head with it…

That is bad news he did well against Chelsea

Oh to have midfielders with Gini’s invulnerability :pray:t2:

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Thought it was quite funny. We’re allowed to laugh at ourselves


Please put an endo to this tomfoolery.

I dont want this guy just because of the puns

Over It Abandon Thread GIF

Don’t give up because at the endo the storm, there’s a golden sky…


Joe Biden No GIF by The Democrats


You mean you want to Endo it all?

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Endo the line! Everyone off!

Get Out Love GIF by T-Series


And you think I’m going to listen to anything Biden says without laughing my head off?