The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Unless Le Bron and Nike stump up the cash he won’t be coming.

If he was a free agent then id change my mind


I heard he wants parity with Neymar and rightly so, he is way better than Neymar. But fuck me, 700k euros per week? We will not pay even half of that and rightly so. Crazy world.

Not really discussing chances of coming here but just to point out people often make this mistake. Just because that’s what it (reportedly) would take to keep him there doesn’t mean that’s what he’d need to be paid at where he wants to be next (if its even true in the first place). Ox demanded/was offered more to consider staying at Arsenal along with rejecting a higher wage offer at Chelsea than he accepted from us (apparently). His choice of club and predicted use at the club mattered more to him than the payment involved.


Same with Virgil and Manchester City, according to some rumours.


Every time I’ve seen Raphinha I’ve thought he looks top drawer and would be a good fit here. Strong, hard working, technical, great passer


I would let Matip go. Very good defender, but obviously not reliable fitness wise. And Shaq, Div and Ox should be allowed to go.

I expect we will run into problems though, as money is tight throughout football, so offers for players we’d be happy to move on might be few and far between. Or, the sort of wages they will want, assuming they want to earn what they earn here, will mean fees offered will be paltry.

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I would rather get Camavinga than him he is younger cheaper and just as good the Paris supporters think that he is arrogant and doesn’t bother working hard for the team. I think he is ready made to be a galactico at RM.


It’s all very well saying get rid this player and get rid of that player, but let’s not forget, in the current financial climate we’re not going to get a huge amount of cash for them and they all have to be replaced. Where’s the money coming from?


Well to start with you got to remember transfers don’t happen in the way people seem to think.

First there is the profit and loss accounts (the traditional books). When we sign a player what we purchase them for is spread evenly across the years of their contract and they “cost” that amount each year. If they then extend their contract what’s left gets evenly spread out amongst the rest of their contract. In this way Gini has cost us about £5m a year each year up to and including this one, his last. Keita is costing us a quite large £11m a year with two years left in the summer. So in this way just them two off the books “frees up” £16m a year or £80m worth of fee if the new player/players were signed on 5 year deals, £96m on 6 year deals.

On sales the full amount is taken into account when the sale happens so actually getting rid of players, even at lower than expected costs, could produce huge bounce on the books to help recoup lost revenues. So Keita from this point of view isn’t much good as he still has around a £22m value on the books to recoup before anything else is a profit. But guys like Matip, Origi and Minamino have either no value left on the books or very minimal and practically the whole fee is profit.

In pure cash terms it never works like people add it up in the who would you buy threads. You don’t add up all the fees for purchases minus the fees for sales and bam, that’s your net spend. The cash payments are almost always spread over several years. So for instance we might buy a midfielder, lets day Camavinga for an example, for £40m. That’d probably be something like £30 in 3 annual £10m payments and £10m of additional bonus payments based on performance. And we could sell Keita for 3 annual payments of £6m and £7m in bonuses for a £25m deal and Shaqiri for 3 annual payments of £4m plus an additional £3m in bonuses for £15m and things would actually balance out. With Camavinga and Elliott then replacing Keita and Shaqiri for roughly same financial impact on cash flow.

Now where people don’t seem to be paying attention is we could be in a real good position on cashflow. Our last two big splurges where £156.5m in 2017/18 and £164m in 2018/19.

So we probably had outgoing cashflow commitments of around £52m a year in 17/18, 18/19 & 19/20 from that first year and around £55m for 18/19, 19/20 and 20/21 for the second year. Pretty much 100% of additional bonuses would almost certainly have been triggered from those purchased players due to how well we did.

Player sales came in at a lot less in total but would have covered that first year (if the majority of bonus clauses were triggered) but not the second year, we’ve topped up about £37-39m a year incoming so maybe about £13m a year annually each.

There should be, from this summer, significant room in the cashflow that could be used for significant purchases. What could completely destroy that is decisions FSG could make.

1; They may decide to use the room in the cashflow to settle the losses from the financial years during the pandemic, placing an anchor around our necks.
2; Despite the vaccine roll out and the bullish decision making in the UK almost certainly leading to revenues returning to normal next season/financial year they may be cautious. Keep financial activity to a minimum till they know revenues have come in at normal levels. This would hold us back quite dramatically when nearly everyone else will likely return to normal spending and take advantage of some bargains we then miss out on (Camavinga, Mbappe, Sancho to name a few in their last 12 months).
3; Missing out on Champions League could cost over £100m in lost revenues when prize money, gate receipts, TV revenue and commercial contract clauses are all added up. We’ve got to hope and pray we still make it.

Now… I realise that this is probably a thousand times more of an answer than you were looking for or expecting but insomnia is a bitch and I was bored. Sorry! :rofl:


One thing I will say is it depends what market we shop in, if we are shopping in the market of Mbappe’s then it’s going cost us, if we are shopping in the potential markets then we can get the deals.

I assume the names that leaked in defence are what we would have gone for in the summer which means no one really has a fig what we are going shop for come the Summer.

Take the Marseille guy, I assume that was a permanent deal? Had he been linked before that weekend?


Mbappe rumours surfacing again, eh?
Well I suppose that it won’t stop before he signs his contract at Madrid then… :laughing:

As I’ve said since they emerged, these rumours linking him to LFC are absolute trash, all of them. We’ve never signed that kind of European top star player before in our history, and most probably never will. It’s not in our DNA as a club.


Bloody hell.

If Parisians find him arrogant, he must be unbearable.


Or they’re just angry that he sees his future elsewhere and bigger than the club. This is a player Klopp held up as an example to young players about how not to let fame go to your head and stay a hard working professional.


Relax; it was a joke based on the renowned snootiness of Parisian folk.

We all know Mbappé’s a sensible, level-headed young man; indeed, I would not be at all surprised if he took a wage cut to join us.


Thank you for taking the time to explain that, it’s very helpful.


Not gonna lie after only 2/3 hours sleep last night I have regrets but that post was a symptom not the cause so it is what it is. I’ve been thinking of doing something more in depth maybe in the who would you buy thread explaining where we could find ourselves this summer (such as how by extending the deals for Alisson, VvD and Fabinho we can actually create £18.5m a year room on the books, that’s the equivalent of a £111m of fees worth of costs on 6 year deals). So next time I have a bad night I think that’s what I’ll do.


Humour does not compute…

zombie GIF


This is a player Klopp held up as an example to young players about how not to let fame go to your head and stay a hard working professional.

That was before he became Neymar’s plus one on the party scene.!
Time will tell though if he still has the grit and determination to become the best

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Has that actually happened though? It’s easy to trash the reputation of players in the media, especially high paid ones and especially black players. I’m always very careful about stuff like that.