The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

I think in general everyone at LFC loved him. He came back to Melwood a couple of months after leaving for some reason. The whole squad was all over him.

There would be no problems personally. He is super committed, professional team player.

He turns into a fucking maniac on the pitch, mind.


I kind of fancied a Suarez-like signing, an experienced, talented, and past his prime player who can be a very good option off the bench. Sort of like Giroud at Chelsea or Milner at Liverpool.


No issue with that. Just wondering how those legs can deliver that Maniac Mode these days

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I think he is still good enough for 2000 mins over the season. But yeah, he had some pretty nasty surgeries during his career.

Yeah, and getting on also, along with playing in a league where the overall pace is a lot lower.

Iā€™d hope heā€™s calmed a little. The beauty of him (beyond being the best footballer Iā€™ve seen live in a red shirt) is heā€™s almost always available to play. Not entirely sure heā€™s always fit but he certainly always performs. Heā€™s 2 years younger than Ronaldo and a year older than Messi, hardly over the hill. 2 golden seasons from him would be epic. Just no biting and FFS keep quiet on the pitch :wink:


Iā€™m happy with it and think he can still do a great job. I refer you to VVD and Gomez.

Amortization is a non-cash expense/reduction and has nothing to do with cash flow or cash available to make deals. It is an accounting function and that is it. When you calculate cash flow (funds available to service expenses/debt), non-cash expenses like depreciation, amortization, etc. is added back to net income (since it is after all a non-cash expense. Amortization ā€œfalling off the booksā€ does not create more cash since it is a non-cash expense. I think you misunderstand.


Umm not 100% sure what you mean.

VvD are injured bu in their 20ā€™s. Suarez is 34.

Not saying he couldnā€™t do it, I honestly dont know but given his age, league heā€™s playing in etc. itā€™s quite step to come back to the PL and play the way he used to.

Iā€™m not against the move if Klopp and Edwards think it works but lets just say the concerns are different to signing a 24 year old.

BTW it bugs me that we consider Suarez as getting on at 34 when Iā€™m in my late 40ā€™s.

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There was an interview on the Anfield Wrap last week with a sport scientist who was at the club when Suarez was there. Said he was an absolute machine. Even when he had a knock or pain, he wanted to play.


I wonder if Sturridge fed of that a bit? :thinking:


In footballing terms. In footballing terms.

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Iā€™m getting on in general terms

In mental terms Iā€™m past it


Exactly. One of the reasons I had such a downer on DS. One of them dragged themselves onto the pitch with one leg and typhoid and the other, well, weā€™ve done that at length.

I mean that all the depth we can have can only be a benefit next season. Our defensive injuries this season have been an absolute joke and weā€™d hope that lightening doesnā€™t strike twice.


That cheers me up, definitely mid 40s here :wink:

I know itā€™s not cash Iā€™ve said so in several posts. It is however an expense, THE expense alongside wages that is the only way squad investment shows. It is not just for tax it is how a club determines if they are profitable (something that matters a lot to FSG) and is used to determine compliance for FFP (if it does continue). Under the current climate anyone who thinks FSG will allow the amortisation figure to increase isnā€™t paying enough attention. If we want to recruit then room has got to be generated within that expense to accommodate any new player amortisation being added onto the books.

Cash is a whole other matter but a lot arenā€™t realising that we could be in a good way with that. Most of our Cash liabilities will now be resolved as we won the CL and PL back to back almost certainly triggering nearly every outstanding clause and not likely to have triggered much more this season. The last two heavy seasons of recruitment were 4 and 3 financial set of accounts ago and totalled over Ā£300m combined. The last set of books released would have included Cash commitments of somewhere over Ā£100m from those two seasons and the ones we are waiting on will probably include roughly around Ā£50m as the last set of annual payments from the second of those two years. If the owners allow us to keep our cash commitments the same as they were for last year that could be the equivalent of Ā£150-200 depending on if we can agree payment plans of 3 years (like we used to do) or 4 years (like we apparently did last summer). Thatā€™s before any incoming cash from player sales is taken into account.

What has Sturridge been up to?

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There are a lot of issues with Suarez. After the kind of values we as a club have espoused over the last 4-5 seasons, it would be a massive step backwards to have him associated with the club again.

I bet that Klopp would be delighted to have him as a part of the squad. Exactly the type of player weā€™d need right now, with our forwards so goal-shy recently. Heā€™s also a fighter. We have lacked the right kind of fighting spirit lately, heā€™d add it in spades.

Anyway, it wonā€™t happen.