The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

It’s actually the first compelling reason I’ve heard for moving him on. If a player had an absence record like that because of injury, we’d be looking to move him on.


He’d still be easily our top scorer. There’s no compelling reason to move him on until we get someone (or a couple) who can get close to Salah’s numbers

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It’s been going for years, but has only become FIFA sanctioned this time around as a compensation for taking away the Confed cup away from Qatar. As for the Olympics, it’s not just the games he’ll miss in July, but typically requires a mini-off season after the tournament is over. Mo is super fit, but you could see a scenario where he’s not available until the 4th or 5th game of the season.

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Abraham really? He’s 4th choice at Chelsea. Have we really fallen so far behind in a year that we’re back shopping at the Abraham stall?

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Sturridge did pretty well for us before his body fell apart after being cast off by Chelsea, no?

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And yet he is probably their most potent striker.

The only reason he isn’t starting is because the manager has to pick the new shiney toys bought by the owner over players that can actually do the job


I think there are few posters on here who are on the payroll of Abrahm’s agent.

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@DanLFC 's comment was about wages. Hence why my response was about that too and not points lost from a player missing.


I don’t think he needs to play the Olympics but what even is the Arab cup? The ACON is a given but the other two can fuck off


I’ve always liked Abraham, he was tremendous coming through at youth level and I think he’s played well in most of his first team football. However, 40m looks a tad expensive, when we talking about only getting 55m for Firmino.

If he’s available for less than 30m though I think its a no brainer.


Not when you consider that Abraham is six years younger than Firmino.

To the day, in fact. They were both born on 2nd October.


Englishness will always come with a premium, of course, but since £40m is the first shall we say “leaked” bit of posturing, I would expect that to end up being the absolute highest the fee could go with any and all conditional terms (and perhaps even less still).

If the transfer is that successful, what’s ±£5-10m? :smile:

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I think that 40 mil for Tammy is in GBP while the 55 mil for Bobby is in Euro. Not that it matters.


I long for the day we get past this simplified notion of “player x is only choice y at club we think we’re better than so he can’t be good enough for us.”

He played 34 league games last season and got 15 goals. There’s a good chance you might see just two or three centre forwards get that number of league goals this season. For context, that’s as many as or more goals than Lacazette, Jesus or Firmino have ever gotten in a season and he did it at 22 in a team managed by Frank Lampard.

Chelsea went big in the summer and bought Werner and Havertz, both of who have struggled but have continued to play due to their price tags and Abraham clearly doesn’t have the support of the new manager.

If we’d have paid £40m for him last summer after the season he had I think most people would have been made up. There was a lot of handwringing about missing out on Werner who cost more and has scored the same number of goals this season in far more minutes.


He has atually scored less goals, but played 12 more games that Abrahams. Tammy is their leading goal scorer in both PL and across the board this season. The only player to have a better goals to games ratio is Giroud


If Mo is going to be absent so much, then yes, I’d be on the bus that wouldn’t be overly bothered if we sold, given the likelihood of a large fee that would be reinvested into the team.

However, if we keep Mo, I’m happy with that too, as he is such a reliable goalscorer.

As for Bobby, if the rumors of Atletico being in for him have any truth to them, that’s a deal I would do.

We may end up with Abraham and Sancho and lose Bobby and Origi. I would take that. Sancho only possible if a big player departs? Bobby out, check. Origi has been on borrowed time forever, and Abraham might take his spot, and be more productive with it, edging up the pecking order perhaps?

It would leave us with Mo, Sadio, Jota, Sancho and Abraham as the main five strikers, which should be enough firepower to overcome Mo’s international commitments.

On that final note, just want to echo Mascot’s statement… no wonder there were moves for the ESL. It was very much a flawed idea, but I think it will come again, in another guise. Too many vested interests in football, and at some point the clubs with the power are going to sort it themselves.

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The point I was making was more about the style of player rather than the actual individuals I named. I’ve never seen Vlahovic play for example.

Abraham wouldn’t be my first choice, no, but I wouldn’t write him off either. He’s a good player and would score goals, with the benefit of being homegrown. Do I think there are better players out there? I’d be surprised if not, but he’s not a bottom of the barrel signing like you appear to be suggesting.

And if there’s one club whose castoffs traditionally do well, it’s Chelsea.


Or, Bobby for Marcos Llorente?

Joe Cole. :thinking:


It was hard enough seeing another club offer the money it would cost for us to sell Mo given the Covid hit to finances. Throw in the international fixtures next season for Mo, and I think it is most unlikely anyone will be in for him.