The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

Thiago was playing really well, until he was assaulted by Richarlison, 12 months ago.


Looks more agreeable to me


Hit and miss OR injured which is the other issue with him. Not that itā€™s his fault but we knew he wasnā€™t a high volume kind of guy from his time with Bayern. The injuries are probably part of the reason it feels like he hasnā€™t got going. The back end of last year shows what he can do with a run of games. Can he get the run of games going often enough though? Evidence so far is pointing to perhaps not.

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The issue with Thiagoā€™s inconsistent unavailability is not in itself a problem given the number of players we have. The issue he is such a different player, that his introduction represents an evolution of the side. Itā€™s difficult to evolve when the two steps you take forward have to be repeatedly taken back whenever heā€™s unavailable. Iā€™d like to think Jones could be the alternative, but not sure thatā€™s his best role or heā€™s ready to lean on in such a way.


Agreed, and thatā€™s a really well stated post.

Regarding Curtis, and this may be a thought for a different thread. I may be in the minority, but Iā€™d like to see him a nailed on starter in the midfield. Just my opinion of course but I believe heā€™s physically capable and ready. Heā€™s a gifted player. Obviously heā€™s still raw in some areas but Iā€™m willing to take the chance. IMO he needs the valuable minutes to continue his evolution.


I would reluctantly let Thiago go, so long as we could part ex against a player like Frenkie De Jong.

Thiago is a class act but he misses too much football.

Probably nothing in the rumour, and if we do keep him Iā€™m happy with that, as he is a very good player.

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According to some Spanish journalist Thiago would like to go back to Barca.

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Well thats it then

There is a certain symmetry to things if Thiago were to return to Barca. From what I remember it was a bit of a shock when he left, so it would be perhaps like bridging the past, and providing some experience for the younger stars coming through.
I could easily see this rumour as having a good chance of being true, but equally it could be just journalists making stuff up.

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It sounded like bonkers, nothing like what Barca need to be thinking and planning strategy wise. Then Barca bring Alves back making this move look far more reasonable and likely. Have to wait and see. If Thiago wanted it thereā€™s obviously going to be a price we would accept, even in January. If it did happen in January itā€™d be a shame, although he was instrumental in getting us into the CL for this season, itā€™s still feeling like he hasnā€™t hit his potential here. Largely due to his injuries and our struggles during the pandemic but still. Be a shame but it could happen? Or there could be nothing in it and guess work from media. In which case Iā€™m sure we will get to see him fit and firing again soon.

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Every player has their price, and Iā€™m sure that we would sell Thiago if any club met our valuation of him.

However, that club is highly unlikely to be Barcelona. Theyā€™re skint.


It would be madness to further weaken our midfield this season.
Can only see it if a replacement is lined up.

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Youā€™d think but itā€™s their wage bill being out of kilter with their revenue thats the main problem due to the rules not transfer fees. They donā€™t mind increasing their borrowing.

I think we always have dossiers ready to go on potential targets. What Iā€™d worry about is the qualities weā€™d lose that Thiago brings that are very rare.

Might be influenced by them possibly losing Aguero. They may also be getting interest from Newcastle on one or two current players.

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Goes without saying that if thereā€™s any legs in the Thiago rumor, we need a midfielder to come in, preferably someone with a good fitness record, as we carry too many midfielders who are often not available.

That they need to have quality is a given!


I cant imagine we let any of the midfield go without one coming in to replace them. Thiago was also a less typical signing and clearly brought in to evolve the team, that element will be harder to replace.

Also speaks volumes about Coutinhoā€™s ambitions to be Xaviā€™s replacement in midfieldā€¦

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The boy primed to be the heir to Xavi coming back to the club because of Xavi appointment. Itā€™s definitely got a nice circularity to it that itā€™s the sort of story people would surly make up and report in the event there is no legitimate sourcing for it.


If we made our money back and could bring in a proper first team option like a Florian Neuhaus, Tielemans or Aouar type then Iā€™d be pretty comfortable with that.

Chances of that kind of business in January is pretty slim though.

practically writes itself

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