The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 1)

that could be said at any point in history.

infact, you make a case its easier to sign one now.

regardless of how hard it must be to get the job done, its a job that needs doing.

the longer this goes on in the jan, the more im leaning towards an absolute view.

we are pretty much winging it at this stage, complaining how hard life is is deflecting from the issue that we dont have any fit centre halves (no offence to those that are filling that gap with everything they have got) at the standard.

we are a football club and the squad which was purring along has a gapping whole in it now.

its not like the main stand needs a lick of paint, or there is an under seventeen kid playing for ajax we like the look of…we are hunting a first team centre back becuase we dont have one.


If we’ve limited ourselves to one “right signing” then I’m sorry that’s negligent of our recruitment team. There’s no reason if it doesn’t work out that they shouldn’t face the same judgement on their actions as the guys working on the Salah followed by Konoplyenka fuck ups.

This isn’t like with VvD. There is no one 100% perfect player out there with us having whatever finances are needed and it’s him or nobody. This is much more like the forward and left back signings this summer. If Norwich had accepted our deal we could have had Lewis as our back up LB. If Watford had accepted our price structure we could have had Sarr here instead.

Or we may have still ended up with Tsimikas and Jota (I’m glad we did) but those other deals being available on more favourable terms may have meant the deals ended up better than what actually happened.

In both cases there seemed to be multiple targets (I think rumours of as many as 7 LB options and Sarr, Werner and Jota at least in attack). That’s how you put pressure on the selling clubs to make one cave and sell. That could actually be very easy this Winter as teams are more in need of incoming cash than ever. Even if some are red herrings to force our real targets into dealing.

At the very least I’d be making public overtures through media over a few guys (say Botman, Tah and Bastoni/Romagnoli) to try and rustle some feathers and see if anything looks possible with them or elsewhere for a different player.

This radio silence only really makes sense in 3 situations.

1 Something is close and going to be completed just times are frustrating so it’s taking a while.

2 There’s some heavy negotiating going on with the ideal target with a touchy club and we don’t want to risk something getting said public but what we are saying publicly may help negotiations. If this is the case and it goes wrong we best have a back up deal lined up.

3 There really is nothing going on. We are reasonably sure on the state of the market and believe we couldn’t get anything over the line and are sure of what we have getting us through to the summer. If this is what we believe it’s arrogant and burying our heads in the sand about how bad things are and missing what could be great opportunities in a crazy market. This approach could cost us a title defence. Hell it could cost us a CL place.

There’s a real need for a CB. If it isn’t addressed this winter it’ll almost certainly be in the summer. Ideally it would be good if it was someone good enough to really challenge to be a starting CB putting Gomez and Matip under pressure. I mean it’s not even clear yet what condition VvD will even return in yet. But at the very least we need someone who can come in as an improvement on Phillips and Williams whilst hopefully being available more than Matip. Ideally young enough to develop under Klopp.

I don’t actually think the demands are that specific and the move shouldn’t hamper other business. Even if who we sign ended up disappointing and “only” ever an improvement on Phillips and Williams it still massively helps us out this season whilst meaning we remain reliant on at least one of VvD and Gomez coming back to full quality. But we’re in the position right now we are reliant on both doing so and reliant on Matip being available for most of our games till then AND reliant on Fabinho not picking up any knocks or reds AND reliant on the pressure not getting too much for Williams and/or Phillips before next summer.


I don’t think I ever said there was one CB out there we had to wait for.

I’m sure there are a handful they are working on, but the point I’m trying to make is that we might end up empty handed, and nobody should fly off the handle. Klopp, Edwards and FSG can’t really do much more than they have to prove their competence.

You know that I’d be suggesting to Tah that a few months at LFC would help him before the Euros. If we can’t do something from the top of the wish list until summer, that’s the one I’d be looking at.


You need to take into account the squad building process FSG/Klopp and Edwards have done to get us this far,then realise whats been achieved by keeping our cards close to our chest when purchasing players during the summer or opting to skip the winter window to get our main targets for the future the following summer,plus now we have to take into account funds the club have at hand and have lost over the last season and a half,to understand what they are trying to do.

We have no clue what the plans are at all (we can only assume),we could probably go out and get a CB to patch us up for the rest of the season (who’s to say that player comes in and hits the ground running?? we could spend £30mill for a 2nd or 3rd choice player who turns out shite and a waste of cash) but what knock on effect does that have on our summer spending,when we already owe £60mill for Jota and Thiago,thats £90mill spent before this summer window opens.

We could possibly be prepairing for a big overhaul in the summer and moving onto another squad build,Gini leaves,Milner retires,plus a new CB needed,thats 3 players who’ll cost a small fortune to replace before we start.

I do know that for whatever reason we don’t buy a new CB this month,it’ll be down to either losing £100mill+ out of club profits due to covid,the right player isn’t available as their club wont sell/too much money OR it’ll effect the transfers they truely want in the summer.Knowing all that can you blame the club/Klopp/Edwards for sticking to their guns,when they’ve already used those tactics before and got us this far.


As a fan its frustrating because I want us to win everything there is to win and I definitely think that buying a CB is crucial to that. And watching us getting shut out, drawing games and losing them make me feel so frustrated. I do feel all these just like alot of you guys.

However, maybe its right to be flexible at times but its never wrong to stick to your principles especially when they have worked for you this while. We do not know what is transpiring behind closed doors between Klopp and the recruitment team and the owners but I would never believe that Klopp would accept a loser mentality just because of current situations. He would want to win despite of the difficult circumstances. So we have to trust him whether we like the decisions he make or not, whether we agree or not.

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First off what’s the point in acting carefully with your money and making sure you save for a rainy day if when that rainy day occurs you then can’t act? What’s been the point in us being so careful with our spending up to now? We really need at least one CB in the next 2 windows and that’s if VvD and Gomez come back fine Matip stays next year or Fabinho remains a CB option. We might well need 2.

We don’t actually always keep our cards close to our chest it depends on the negotiations and what is needed. With lots of “good with potential” options and no stand out option I think we need an approach like the one that worked this summer at LB and in attack. I’m not asking us to act differently at all.

As long as the CB bought is an improvement over Phillips, Williams and Henderson at CB it will be a massive boost to our season and our chances of trophies. That player will still be a good, solid, back up player for us in future seasons but if young could develop under Klopp into more than that.

Please don’t try to make out we can’t have future spending because we’ve already spent too much. It’s been years since a last real injection in our spending and final payments on guys like Salah and VvD have almost certainly all been paid by now. Possibly the Alisson summer too. Everything since had been real minor for the incomes coming in even with the Covid losses.

The biggest bounce the team under Klopp has had has been a January CB purchase. Nobody is asking for something so spectacular and definitely not as expensive but we don’t really need a bounce we need a stabilisation.

We are a knock or straight red to Fabinho away from probably needing to field 2 from Williams, Phillips and Henderson at CB together as Matip can’t stay fit for a run of games. This is as bad a need as we have had in the time Klopp has been with us.

If not now? When?

Don’t think for a minute players will think differently about it. Players have limited playing time. If we don’t buy and we don’t win trophies this season when everything was set to have a great year they will start questioning our ambition. It would be like Lewis Hamilton being well in the lead in a race and having time for a tyre change and his tyre grip starting to go causing a drag and the team saying no they can’t afford to waste the tyres. If he then doesn’t win because of that decision it would be unacceptable. That’s the situation we are in and don’t be surprised if it creates doubts in the minds of the likes of Mane, Salah and Alisson. Our top players can play at clubs where they are practically guaranteed a major honour nearly every season. They’ll believe that’s what they have here. For now.


The whole point of acting carefully with our money is to get us into the position we are in now,with a Prem title and European Cup in the bag over the past 2 seasons.If we’d pissed all our money up the wall willy nilly on squad fillers and 2nd/3rd option lesser targets,we’d probably have a weaker team and fuck all to show for it tbh.So yeah the fact we have now lost over £100mill+ is going to make transfer buying even harder and make us even more sure we buy the RIGHT player,not some patch up CB to get us through the rest of the season (what if he doesn’t work out and is a waste of funds??).

Like i said,you/we/us have no clue what our future transfer budget is and who we are looking at buying in the summer or whats being done with the squad.Knowing how we’ve done business over the past 5 years,Klopps way of working with players to make them better,over throwing money at the issue,how we kept our money to buy the right player (VVD),he’s got almost everything spot on and yet we find ourselves having the same debate every winter window,all i know is this situation is for a reason,you may not like it but i can guarentee that if we aren’t buying a CB this month it’s not to piss the fans off,it’s down to finances,wrong player options,Klopp or a combination all 3.It also doesn’t matter how many times you repeat we need a CB (i know we do and would love us to bring in the right one) but if they aren’t out there,we keep our money and carry on,just like before.


Any chance of leaving this thread alone for unreliable rumors? I realize that means it’ll be crickets in here but at least it won’t get my hopes up each time I come to lurk and see unread messages! Like this one!


No chance lol

That’s what Twitter thread is for.


Scenario 1: Liverpool have a really cracking young centre back lined up for the summer, but his club won’t release him until then. If we go for a lesser target, we can’t guarantee we’ll have the cash for the lad we want.

Scenario 2: We drop £30m on a centre back (who is only worth 15m, but in January and we’re desperate) who is barely in the door by the time the league is suspended or cancelled. By the time it kicks off again, Our Centre Backs are fit again.

Scenario 3: We spend £30m on a centre back (who is only worth 15m, but in January and we’re desperate) but he takes a lot of time to bed in to our system and be available to play (like Robbo, Fabinho, Ox, Taki, etc). By the time he’s ready, it’s nearly the end of the season.

I’m just playing devil’s advocate, but the point t I’m trying to make is the way some fans are going on about this, you’d think it was a piece of piss just a matter of popping down the centre back shop and picking one off the shelf. It’s not. It’s really hard and there are lots of good reasons why the strategy of sticking to the diligent careful transfer strategy is still best.


Not what I am hoping but…

…not buying a CB in January does not guarantee buying a CB the summer.

Could depend on how successful we will be at the end of the season with all the injuries we had.

Next season we will have VvD, Gomez, Matip + Fabinho + Rhys/Nat

And what happened to Koumetio?

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Thing is right Klopp will have a short list for every single position.

It shouldn’t be like “we need a CB, who are we going to buy”

It should be (and probably is) “we need a CB, here is X, Y, and Z - get me one of those“

It’s not like the players were injured last week we’ve known Joe and VVD are out for a long time and na e known that for what… 2 or 3 months.

We also know that Matip cannot last longer than a run of 3 or 4 games and with games every 4 days at the moment on average we’re in real trouble with him.

We also know that VDB looks to be heading out the door on loan and when it comes down to it Klopp picks Hendo as CB over both Williams and Phillips which we can take as he doesn’t fancy either of those (in the case of Williams, at the moment).

Honest think a CB will come in. They have to dont they? We literally have no first team recognised CB that can be relied upon whilst fighting on what would seem to be 3 fronts this year.

To not bring a CB in would be a very big mistake.

If there is no money available sell to raise some cash.


We’ve no spare money is still the best answer.


no ones saying its a piece of piss, or at least no ones drilling down on it. your focusing on a point that no ones making, pitchforks wont be out, edwards statue will not be pulled down and dragged through the main square, can we just leave that to the side now as its really deflecting away from some good discussion… your three scenarios present absolute bias and do you no favours… the rest of the forum realises after all these years, no transfer is a garunteed success story, especially a semi rushed one ( i call it semi rushed because we were already well aware after Lovren left that it was a POTENTIAL issue and i have more than enough faith in this club to know that would already have had a target list.

scenario number four; after months of hard work and scouting effort which escalated in October, the club identify a centre back with experience who comes in and is able to perform a job assisting our depleted squad to win the premier league, he is financially better off for his 2 year contract and 20 years later he is still held in high esteem by the supporters of the club for doing a job when it was required.The Fee paid was slightly higher than the club would normally have liked to pay but considering the clubs core business is playing football the management and owners decided it was a great idea to have a centre half,


Nat’s contract is up next summer, I highly doubt he’ll get a new one.

Rhys still has a chance of showing he can be 4th choice, but for now I think he’s much closer to securing a quality loan.

Koumetio looks nowhere near ready, same goes for vdBerg.

I expect a CB next summer.


I doubt his contract will end this summer when he signed a long term contract in August 19.

Edit: But very likely to be sold.


That was before going on loan to Stuttgart.

Pearce confirmed in a Q&A when I asked him about Larouci and Phillips. Both are free next summer.


Yeah. Do that. Like in a computer game. Piece of piss.


Wouldn’t be the first time Transfermarkt is wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time Pearce is wrong.

Not expecting Nat to be a Liverpool player next season but I don’t think the official homepage would write ‘signs a long term contract’ in August 19 and then it expires in 2021.