The Unreliable Rumours Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Turns out Liverpool may have an option to buy Arthur Melo after all. Juventus have released a statement laying out terms of the agreement, which includes a €4.5m loan fee, and the option to “definitively acquire the player’s registration rights” for a further €37.5m.

From The Guardian live

“Sure I was just scratching my hole on the Juve bench, and Italy is shite in the winter, so would have taken any offer. Beatles museum swung it for me”

So there is a buy option at €37.5M according to Romano.

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So, no caicedo?

Brighton’s fax machine was turned off at 7.30pm apparently.


Strange one given the supposed activity on his Social Media platform, but I guess not. Maybe discussions took place and his media team jumped the gun? :man_shrugging:t3:

Does seem odd even say a deal is in the pipeline he’s now got at least 2 months to put up with it. Luckily there is a World Cup.

Unless footballers are just trolling now.

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That’s a pretty funny scenario though. Its like the french laughing among each other at telling king arthur they already have a grail


I don’t blame them in a way, Jim White and Sky hyped this shit up for years and it’s had a negative effect on the game.

Where effectively the window is half the battle.

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Seems like a pragmatic signing who should be able to play minutes pretty much immediately and at 26 yo fills an ‘experience gap’ in midfield whereby the current options are either young players or either pushing 30/30+. Loan with Juve covering some of the wages, potential option to buy for a reasonable fee, all good stuff.


You never know a deal sheet may have been submitted.

I think life went downhill when they introduced a countdown clock, building up its importance as if its Xmas. Unfortunately, the one where you didn’t get the Toy you wanted. Its all wrapped up, it looks like it could be the athletic midfielder you asked for, could it be, could it be Bellingham…. You open it and its a totem tennis pole. F**k sake Mom! Maybe they should introduce a Transfer deadline advent style calendar.


The day we spent 50m on Carroll was the day I started to ignore it. Dipped in with the Arthur stuff today but I couldn’t work some days in the past now it’s just another day.

More interested to see what Klopp says about injuries at his PC’s


I don’t think I have ever took a day off for it but i was always a sucker for rumours. I was hooked on the Koptalk bulls**t and yes I am still waiting on the book and I also racked up a small fortune on my parents phone bill with Teamtalk. I definitely learned the hard way :man_facepalming:t3::rofl:

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Haha yeah

“Shock World Cup star in Liverpool move”

Bernard Diomede.

And they seemed obsessed with linking us to that Paraguayan goalie who took free kicks.


Exactly that.

Although I was a mug regarding Koptalk, I did manage to get a ticket to the 2005 champions league final for a respectable £250 via their forum.

Bernard Diomede, the original ‘Anfield Mole’ :rofl::rofl:


Dwarf drinking dens in an alternate reality?

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After I got told off one month I just followed the rumours on Ceefax, I remember learning of Hyypia signing there. I think we signed loads that summer as they were all sat with Houllier.

What talent.

Camara already looks confused on what he needs to do. He scored some scorchers.


police brain GIF

bae titty gun GIF

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