The Unreliable Rumours Thread - request

Any chance of splitting “The Unreliable Rumours Thread” into a “links only, no discussion”* and a “discussion” thread? As the current thread is 5% links and 95% discussion on formations, tactics, finance, who would you buy, Nike… the kitchen sink…

I enjoy reading peoples views and opinions, but there’s plenty of threads like “Who would you buy” etc. to read when that’s what I’m looking for. When I go to The Unreliable Rumours Thread, I go there for spurious links to stories on Liverpool’s apparent interest in Player X, not to hear how Kevin from the Wirral thinks we should structure our payments and whether Player X should play alongside Player Y or replace him.

*similar to the Twitter one.


Done. I’ve just added a thread for links only.


Brilliant, thank you.


LFC is tighter than a knats arse regarding rumors so that thread now echoes with emptiness!!

Well people are still posting rumours, though they’re being posted in the discussion thread.

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