The Walking Eagle thread

I seem to remember some work has been done on this. Obviously lots of the people who vote for him are stupid, but it is a lazy analysis to conclude that they all are.

Democrats must wrestle with why people are voting for Trump, and if all they can say is it is because they are stupid, they will lose and won’t learn a thing.


People are angry. The far right in politics always provide simple solutions in a really simple smooth talking language despite how devisive or false it maybe. The solutions appeal to an angered public, and they result in these politicians basically poaching support and votes from the centre.

Those so called simple solutions to complex issues invariably fail (e.g. UK’s Rwanda policy)

Trump is this. He always says he’ll sort X, Y, Z but if you ask him how and for detail he will be utterly clueless or offer something outrageous impossibie i.e. border walls.

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Maybe subconsciously, he paranoid it might be him in a glass cage, once he loses the election :0)

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HaHa… Someone swapped out his tennis racquet :0)



With those shorts @SBYM will be here shortly


You know when you watch something then regret it immediately because it makes you feel slightly sick - If only there was some justice in the world eh - hope this guy ends up behind bars in an orange jumpsuit


I was just looking on Abebooks for that book you mentioned in the Inequality thread and found this…



A story that got lost in all the focus on Russia was the influence of Egypt in Trump’s 2016 campaign.

I dont remember when it broke, but at some point there was reporting of intelligence suspicion of an Egyptian link to an unusual and unexpected $10m personal donation by Trump to his own campaign in the last weeks before the election. That investigation seemingly never went anywhere with reports suggesting there was political opposition within the FBI to doing a thorough job on it. We now have reporting that the FBI found the $10m withdrawal from a Cairo branch of the National Bank of Egypt right after the election, and that Barr personally stepped on the any attempts to connect that to the prior prior obstructed investigation.

When Trump calls Sisi “my favourite dictator”, this is the only reason he would even know the name of the leader of Egypt. The man initially favoured by the masses as being too rich to be bought is the most bought off President we have ever had.


Best mates…


An instructive clip here from 1993 when Trump was arguing against Indians being given casino licences. The whole thing is watchable but skip to 5:00 to get to the meat of it.

Fast forward to last week in Chicago to see how he remains the same racist POS now as he was then.

'And last week, Trump once again attempted to be the arbiter of racial categorization. When he questioned Harris’s racial identity under the belief that it might somehow persuade a room full of Black journalists, and therefore Black America writ large, that she is not like us, he showed that he respects neither the history of this country nor the Black voters he claims he is courting.

Trump and some in the Republican Party are engaging in an age-old American tradition that dictates that only white power gets to define race and racial categorization, and that those who wield that power can create rules or abandon them so long as those rules benefit whiteness.

For Trump and his compatriots, race is the wild card that can be held in their hand, to be denied for political expediency or exploited when it suits them.’

The quotes are from this excellent piece ; The Willful Amnesia Behind Trump’s Attacks on Harris’ Identity. (Free to read.)


I think part of it is the idea among a segment of his supporters, ones who are motivated status insecurity and “white grievance”, that being black is an advantage in today’s woke society. In that view point, someone “turning black” is something someone does to take the advantages such an identify offers.


Yup , as preposterous as that sounds , they are so convinced now of their victimhood thanks to the likes of Carlson , that they would actually believe patent nonsense like that.


Ok, I am now 99% on board with the idea that his Hannibal Lecter bit comes from not knowing what asylum is


Its an older post, but still very relevant - She called Trump
“Cadet Bone Spurs”

Donald Trump, President of the United States from 2017 to 2021, graduated from college in the spring of 1968, making him eligible to be drafted and sent to Vietnam; but he received a diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels. The diagnosis resulted in a medical deferment, exempting him from military service.

Senator Tammy Duckworth


Also known as Lt. Col Tammy Duckworth who lost both her legs when her helicopter was shot down by an Iraqi insurgent in 2004?

President Donald Trump

The man who went to a military academy for high school and then did everything he could to avoid service. The man who got draft deferments for 8 years during Vietnam, the second to last of which was due to bone spurs in both heels?

The bone spur diagnosis being a lie as a favour to the man’s father? (not that it matters).
The man that called Senator McCain a “loser” for being a POW during the same war that he effectively dodged?

Donald Trump (center) Senior in High School (NY Military Academy)

I think she can say whatever the hell she wants to him. She’s earned at least that. It’s an appropriate criticism of his character, it’s witty, even if it is a little childish.

I think if he tries to retort in any way to her taunt he’ll be the loser. I won’t frown on someone making a choice to not serve the military. I can’t respect a man who lies, cheats, and steals to avoid service and then unfairly criticizes those who do serve.

Considering her moniker was in a rebuttal of him literally calling her, someone who lost both legs defending the country, treasonous for not applauding his self congratulatory ramblings like a trained monkey, I find it highly appropriate.

He claims it’s a “joke,” but I’d wager that’s only because it went over like a lead balloon.

Note: Miraculous recovery to spend all those hours on the golf course eh

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So much shite emanates from this clown’s mouth that it seems people are inured to it by now , but then he pops up with something so eye-wateringly brainless that you’re instantly reminded of just how stupid he actually is.

Here’s one such nugget from his little tête à tête with that other loathsome creation , Elon Musk , from last night ;

Trump ( the long time climate denier turned lickspittle ) : “I’m sort of waiting for you to come up with solar panels on the roofs of your cars and on the trunks of the cars, and it just seems like something that at some point you will come up with – I’m sure you’ll be the first – but it would seem that a solar panel on the roofs, you know on flat surfaces, on certain surfaces might be good at least in certain areas of the country or the world where you have the sun.”

Apparently he’s going to Venezuela if he loses. I’m sure he’d receive a warm welcome.

Yet another incentive to vote Harris.


Didn’t he also state, he not bothered too much about climate changes, if the sea levels rise, it will provide more ocean view properties…!!!

My feeling, is that he trying to create a Trump dynasty to rival European Royal families - Besides already pushing family members into Government roles, who is to say Don jnr, Eric, or even Baron are not being earmarked as the next nominee

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