The Walking Eagle thread

There was actually another guest at Trump’s little get together , one Mila Yiannopoulos.Clearly another ‘very fine person’.

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If ever a building needed a meteor strike…

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I think his tactic will be to woo the far right loonies at this stage, make sure they’re all on board and then move towards the centre as the campaign goes on. He’ll be trying to paint DeSantis as a liberal, so establishing his extreme credentials is a first step in preparation for that fight.

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That gives Trump too much credit for strategizing. He is incredibly easy to manipulate with flattery and has always been incredibly susceptible to being pulled in whatever direction any loon wanted after putting a good word in his ear. The difference between now and when he was president is not a more open solicitation of these people, but a removal of the guardrails by people leaving him whose job used to be to prevent these people getting into his presence.


Interesting take on how it is going to pan out.

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I think Wison is dead right. Trump would make mincemeat out of DeSantis , and anybody else for that matter , in the primaries. The big question is ; Does he even make it that far ? There’s so much shit coming down the pike at Trump , it seems incredible to think that he’s actually going to be a candidate , or even still be at liberty , by the time the primaries come around.

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That’s the thing though. When I became a citizen there was a nice ceremony, with people from all over the world becoming naturalized citizens. The judge gave a lovely speech and one of the points was that in America, no one is above the law.

She was wrong.

Donald Trump is above the law.

Maybe there will come a time when it catches up to him. But to date it has not, and there have been numerous disqualifying things that have happened, but he marches on.

Up until now it has appeared that he’s been above the law. But … , and unless I’m mistaken , he’s never actually been on the receiving end of a criminal indictment.

Now there is the distinct possibility that he could be looking at three of them. I think it’s practically nailed on that he’s going to be charged in the documents case. There’s also a very high probability that the DA in Georgia will charge him. The insurrection one is maybe less likely but still a possibility.

Of course he’s going to claim he’s a victim and it’s all a politically motivated witch hunt , but that whole pantomime is only of any use to him in the court of public opinion. Once a criminal indictment lands it’s going to be a whole new ball game.

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The docs case, maybe. Georgia isn’t going to indict him. In fact, the grand jury investigating that case doesn’t even have the power to indict. Not sure how to predict what the special counsel will do. They would seem to have a case for obstruction of justice at a minimum. I just think, if they have it, they should bring it soonest, not drag the thing out.

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How can you be so sure about that ? The special grand jury will make a report and a recommendation on the basis of the evidence it has heard and then the DA will (surely) empanel a regular grand jury and seek an indictment.

They have Trump on tape asking to find the votes and explicitly threatening Raffensburger if he fails to do so. There are also other conservations with the governor and the AG which we don’t know about , but to which both have already testified.

Then there’s the wider conspiracy including trying to use DOJ officials , roping in Lindsey Graham and Giuliani’s false claims and the whole fake electors scheme.

Although not quite as cut and dried as the documents case , he’s in serious peril here.

You’re probably right, but that would be the usual playbook for extremist candidates

To me the most damaging piece of evidence has been in the public domain for almost two years. For whatever reason, Georgia prosecutors concluded that wasn’t enough to bring a case, perhaps because there was a lack of quid pro quo on the tape. Hard to believe Lindsey Graham or Rudy Guliani are going to provide damning evidence to the grand jury sufficient to bring an indictment.

I’m hoping his heart gives out on stage one night as he’s sweating up a storm.

Can’t be healthy having a blood type of Diet Coke.

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The phone call itself wasn’t enough to bring a case , hence the special grand jury and the slew of subpoenas which have forced Trump allies and other material witnesses before the court. It’s no secret that the DA is looking at a possible RICO case and is obviously considering a wider pattern of behaviour. Giuliani has already been told he’s a target of the investigation , and that is clearly because they consider his performances peddling conspiracy theories before state legislative panels part of a wider conspiracy. it really doesn’'t matter that much what he and Graham actually said before the special grand jury , the really incriminating stuff is already a matter of public record.

Warren Buffett says he has 5 cans of it a day… he’s 92 and still going strong.

Well that’s not what I wanted to hear.

Does Warren also eat nothing but KFC and burnt steak?


ryder cup wow GIF

Close. I think he has a Mcdonalds breakfast every day and will regularly have burgers (not sure they are from Mcdonalds) or steak for other meals. And Dairy Queen Sundaes.

“I checked the actuarial tables, and the lowest death rate is among 6-year-olds,” he once joked to Fortune. “So I decided to eat like a 6-year-old. It’s the safest course I can take .”

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I think its the cocaine and Adderall that is more likely to take him out.

To most people who have accepted who Trump is, it was sufficient evidence to be sure he had committed a crime. But I think most fair minded people appreciate, no mater their feelings on Trump that you need more to get a conviction, when you need unanimous agreement from a group who will likely have varied preexisting views about the man. To convict they will almost certainly need to nail down the mens rea part of the case - documentation that he knew he lost, had lost legitimately, and was doing this all for corrupt purposes. As has been mentioned before, what the Special Grand Jury lacks in its ability to issue an indictment, it gains in its ability to obtain the paper trail necessary to make that part of the case.

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Proof, perhaps (or at least a suggestion), that the will to go on living may be the most important element in longevity.

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