The Walking Eagle thread

I agree with the mantra of just doing the right thing and letting the chips fall where they may.

Still, he has avoided the rap his whole life. Two impeachments, and now a post Presidency indictment to overcome. I’m not massively hopeful.

As for his base, they can do one. They are deluded and there’s no point in engaging.


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I can’t see this case coming to trial before he is indicted elsewhere. The Georgia case especially is close to fruition. Also , if he is fighting multiple indictments in different jurisdictions at the same time then that makes it very tricky indeed for his lawyers. He’s going to come unstuck somewhere along the line.


All of the nonsense that comes out of his mouth…his lawyers must be shitting bricks.


Trump’s lawyer hopes the trial will be ‘classy’.
He’s obviously never met his client or been informed about the background of the case…

Cy Vance (the previous DA) has said there’s a real chance that if Trump and his lawyers keep that shit up they could find themselves getting slapped with an obstruction type charge , which would instantly elevate the case into something far more serious.

Here’s hoping …


Why do I suspect he’s loving every minute of this?

A month ago he was quietly worried about sliding into irrelevance. Now he has a stage. Not to say that what is happening should not, but it gives him new opportunities.

Brilliant article on that very subject:

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I wonder if he is indeed a black swan - just not in the way described by Don J(?).

It takes someone like this to highlight the disconnection in society… there will eventually be a reset (or a sunset) and things will readjust for the better.

Good start!


But the nipple is just (thank-fully) covered - so still classy?

I dont know there is a disconnect between trump and his people, more one between people on the outside who continue to misunderstand his attraction to them and what he represents.

I think there is a fall out from 2008 we still haven’t really reckoned with, in that we recognize it as this huge shock, but fail to see the way to shifted our civic life. With Brexit there was definitely a portion of the vote who didnt care whether it would do good things or not for the UK as a whole. Instead they were sick of London getting all the spoils of the good bits of our economy and knew London didnt want Brexit, so they were happy to vote to leave so London could start facing some of the issues they have been dealing in the “provinces”. in 2016 both Trump and Bernie connected with the same mindset. To that point, there is no disconnect of a man flying on his private plane from his private hotel home to his ariagnment for paying off a porn star and his people thinking he is one of them. They dont think that. They know he isnt. However, what they do see is a man who thinks the same things about the people in charge, the neoliberal order who let them down so badly, and understand he is their best avenue to seeing those people hurt the way they have.

If government cannot be seen to be capable, or even willing, to improve your situation, then why hold out for someone who is going to be productive, when it’s far easier to use it to smash up the things you dont want anyone else to get the benefits from. It’s a representation of Drained Pool politics. And so I think the only disconnect is from people who cannot get their head around people being motivated like this.

That’s Stormy Daniel

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if only they were able to pull their heads out of their asses long enough to figure out that Trump is one of the biggest problems in the country.

Captain Murica : Endgame

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I’m glad it’s just a camera he is holding.

I hope we get through this without someone bringing an AR-15 to the party, to support their President.

That is not what I meant. Rather that the issue goes far deeper than than the last 40-50 years and that he and the issues within the US is/are a consequence of the system in the US.

I wonder if the great asset the US had up to the 60s and 70s, cheap manual labour to drive industry, has competition now both internally (because there are so many people who fall into that bracket in the US) and externally and thus fuelling further poverty traps that generations cannot escape. All of this has be compounded by weak governance over the last 50 odd years.

There is now a gulf between the different castes in the US and in their (individual) understanding of their place in the broader scheme of things. Has the US entered the equivalent of the post colonial and post WWII era of the European countries…?