The Walking Eagle thread

It’s a boycott of this specific event because its an awful awful thing to have given him.

This does my head in that you can write a cheque and move on. Should be in jail for this “conviction”. But the system allows another presidential run? Farcical.

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It’s not a criminal case but a civil case, which is why there isn’t jail time and why it doesn’t directly affect his presidential campaign (much).

Which is why I conclude it is farcical.

There is no doubt in my mind he sexually assaulted her. Judge or jury agreed albeit with lesser standards than a criminal case. And he can just play on!! Stupid system.

Supporters will keep the head in the sand and deny probably.

I don’t like CNN giving him oxygen. It legitimizes him.

This is another case where he is guilty as hell, but won’t suffer a meaningful consequence. A few million in damages, he plays the martyr, and it’s onwards and upwards.

Only now, with the CNN leadership veering in a Trumpward direction, he will be boosted by a channel that used to be more serious than enabling rapist, insurrectionist types, who lie out of their arse all day long.

Feels a bit nuts that it doesn’t open a criminal investigation doesn’t it?

Doesn’t feel right at all. I guess we saw the same with a certain royal not so long ago.

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As mentioned earlier by @SBYM I think, the Statute of Limitation for a criminal case has long since passed.

Even if within the SoL, I do wonder whether this case would have been brought to a criminal trial. Rape is notoriously difficult to prove, so unless there was some form of rape kit, DNA evidence, video, audio etc. I do wonder whether there would even be enough to convict him. The bar for criminal cases is so much higher, and its not going to be decided by Trump being a bumbling contradictory idiot with his words.

She had DNA apparently. She still has the dress with his semen on. Trump had continually refused to give a sample to until the very eve of the trial , but that was dismissed as just another delaying tactic.

That dude from the telly is fired up… :rofl: :rofl:

Don’t play in front of your kids…

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He played Daryl Crowe in Justified season 5…
The acting in the video above, is exactly like the character he protrayed


Yesss!! That’s where I’ve seen him!

He was also in Friends, but i’m guessing you won’t own up to that eh :0)

In the 90s and 00s Michael Rapaport was quite a busy character actor. “The pussy finally grabbed back.” Hilarious. Seems he might know something about it. From wiki.

“Rapaport was arrested on May 18, 1997, for harassing ex-girlfriend Lili Taylor and charged with two counts of aggravated harassment. He pleaded guilty to the charges in court and New York Supreme Court Justice Arlene Goldberg issued a protection order to keep the actor from contacting Taylor, as well as mandating that he undergo counseling sessions.”

Any reviews of the town hall??

I’ve only seen the headlines.

A predictable shitshow by all accounts. I haven’t watched it yet , and I’m not entirely sure that I want to tbh.

Save yourself the agony … this is more than enough ;

Trump also defended his most infamous comments, made in an Access Hollywood videotape uncovered just before the 2016 election, that when you’re a star women “let you do” anything, including “grab ‘em by the p—.”

“I can take it back if you’d like to, but if you’re a famous person, if you’re a star — and I’m not referring to myself, I’m saying people that are famous, people that are stars, people that are rich, people that are powerful, they tend to do pretty well in a lot of different ways, okay?” Trump said. “I can’t take it back because it happens to be true. I’ve said it’s been true for 1 million years, approximately 1 million years, maybe a little longer than that.”

Homo erectus had a very sophisticated celebrity culture, I read somewhere. Those cats could grab any cave-pussy they wanted.

The thing for me about Trump is that its not even him that pisses me off. Like the Leavers in the UK government, he is just preying on the stupid and angry for an end gain for himself.

Its the fact that even after being found to have sexually abused a woman (I think we’d be pretty naïve
to think she is the only one given his history), the conversation for Republican voters is about how this will hurt his chances. There is absolutely no reflection taking place on what this civil suit says about Trump’s character.

I absolutely despise the social media age and wish it would all self implode. Can we go back to a time when we didn’t spend it encouraging each other to act like lunatics?


He could be found guilty on every other charge he’s facing , right upto and including insurrection and treason , and it wouldn’t matter a jot to his supporters. All they care about is him being out there , loud and brash , and giving voice to their resentments and prejudices. The fact that he is a clear and present danger to democracy itself doesn’t even register with them.