The Walking Eagle thread

we all know he’s a piece of shit. what’s scary is that he’s still considered a candidate for re-election.

It was Carroll’s lawyer.

I watched these the other day.

Pretty much have to switch him off now. He does weird things to my sanity.

I think you mean his ugly unrapable lawyer

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Or was it his wife ?

There will be a new fundraising email within a few days and the rubes will send him the money quicksticks.

LOL. I blanked it out of my head because of how awful a decision it is, but CNN is giving Trump a townhall session tomorrow. Tomorrow. The day after this.



I’m not so sure about that tbh. Apparently the Special Counsel on the Jan 6 case is supposed to be homing in on a wire fraud charge relating to his fundraising after the election. That should give him pause for thought before doing it again.

ha ha … me too !

Surely there’s no way he’ll do it now ?!

That’s a good point.


This is Trump we’re talking about…


And the police aren’t interested?

Bizarre system the US has, especially if you have cash.

I’ve seen a few stories about judicially imposed media bans.

Should be interesting given I’d wager my two-year old has better impulse control.

Statute of limitations.

True Story : Years ago I joined a Tea Party site just to troll the fuckers. Never really went there , never used it.

After his election defeat in 2020 and the subsequent ‘Fight the Steal’ campaign , I was receiving multiple fundraising e-mails every day from the Trump Campaign. It was absolutely relentless and they were getting more and more intimidating in tone as it went on.

For that reason , I reckon Jack Smith is definitely barking up the right tree.

Fucking hell.

If CNN are not allowed to address it because of a court order it would be negligent to allow it to go ahead. You simply cannot give him a platform like that a day after a verdict like this and pretend the verdict didnt happen. It would be negligent

So, CNN to definitely go ahead with it and not address this then.

despair GIF

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Thanks for that. Had no idea it was happening, but the chance to see Sourpuss Kaitlan Collins and Sourpuss Donald Trump on the same stage will make it a must see event for me. Sparks will fly.

That is what twitter is for. I refuse to give them the ratings and the best bits will be available there immediately after

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Haha, boycotts CNN but still patronizes Twitter. Am I to draw conclusions? :wink: