The Walking Eagle thread

Has everyone seen the executing babies video?

Dems are apparently slobbering for ninth month abortions, and in some cases, executing the baby after birth.

How many times can this cunt smash through the floor of stupidity??


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FMD…he’s been saying it for years…I didn’t know…

Honestly. Stop the ride. I’ve had enough.

Yes, it was a meme from the last election - “Biden is a doddering fool, say the people planning to vote for a man who routinely claims that Dems abort babies after they’re born”

WTF does that even mean?

This one is for @SBYM

WTF is he doing :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Has anyone every heard of Lenin?


It’s also a quote attributed to Satlin not Lenin

This cannot be how his mind really works? How does he manage to get his pants on? :joy:

It’s happening isn’t it? Really happening

Jesus fucking christ. I was just informed by one of my engineers that the last President of Ecuador was called Lenin Moreno. Has this fucking imbecile confused the father of the Russian Bolshevik revolution with the man who led Ecuador while he was President?

Verdict is in…


‘Not guilty’ of rape, but ‘guilty’ of sexual abuse.


it’s a civil case, she’ll get paid and it will not change the course of anything.

Most likely.

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Defamation too. $5m in total.

Cat Glasses GIF by Leroy Patterson

Point of pedantry - its a civil trial so people will be corrected for using the guilty/not guilty framing. The civil suit equivalent is liable.

Does anyone know what the difference in the standard was for rape vs sexual abuse?

I used quotation marks and self-corrected, you pedantic son-of-a-bitch.

The Sandlot Kiss GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

FUCKKKKK they just cut away from the CL game for coverage of the verdict

I think it’s a preponderance of the evidence was needed to support the claim/s.

Trump will try and spin this as some kind of victory because they didn’t find him liable for rape.

I implore people to find the tape of the deposition. No matter what you think of him, I think even those with the lowest opinion would be taken aback by the stunning stupidity and depravity on display

  • Using the defense she “is not my type” as a defense and then confusing a photo of her for his soon to be model wife.
  • Justifying his defense to the judge (? prosecutor?) by telling her she is also too ugly for him to rape.
  • justifying his grab them by the pussy comment because stars have been able to do it for a million years. That’s just the way it is, unfortunately, or fortunately in some cases"

In what case is it fortunate that stars can sexually assault people?

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