The Walking Eagle thread

Yes. When faced with a challenge to democracy, the only way to stand up to it is to beat it back every time the challenge is raised. There is no acquiescing to it to get it over with so we can then go back to normal afterwards.

Mr law and order president eh!

A very entertaining read.

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Nice. Not sure I’m as optimistic though.

More interesting stuff in the Guardian…

Maybe if Barr did more to rein in his "reckless and self-destructive behavior” while he was in a position to do so then he wouldn’t have found himself in said hole.

This is just the latest instalment of the Bill Barr rehabilitation tour , a man almost as shameless as Trump himself.


Of course, but it’s noticeable how many are now openly criticising him. Seems like the way is being cleared for a De Santis run.
It’s going to get very ugly.


Barr’s words need to be read carefully. He isnt saying it was wrong for Trump to have done what he did, because Barr’s philosophy is that the President should be king and so in a very Nixonian way if the president did it then it isnt illegal. Instead Barr is doing the football commentator thing of saying he gave the ref the opportunity to blow his whistle.

‘A penchant for reckless and self destructive behaviour’ seems like an undesirable trait in a presidential candidate.
Appears to be leaving the door open for a candidate with the same fascist policies, but a bit more nous.

Have you seen the shit show that is Florida? The Trump without chaos label people ascribing to DeSantis is the perfect distillation of the modern media where the story they want to be true is the one they tell regardless of what is actually happening.

Barr is a saggy jowled, immoral man. He’s been around forever, but the biggest stain of his career was when he massaged the message of the Muller report, and led the public to think there wasn’t much to see.

Not only did it protect Trump, who was emboldened as President with a sense that he can’t be touched; but it also set important groundwork which has been playing out since.

Huge swathes of the population feel that Trump’s many legal problems are just politically motivated hack jobs, rather than legitimate outcomes for a man who has racked up quite the rap sheet. Bill Barr helped set the tone for that, with how he summarized and butchered the Muller report.

In a sense, Barr is old school Republican royalty. Trump was a useful idiot, for a while, but they have realized he cannot be tamed. So they are either leaving politics altogether, to enrich themselves elsewhere, or they are getting on board the Magabus, or they are testing the water to see if they can boost another candidate to defeat Trump.

Ron DeSantis is the man of the moment for that, but I don’t think he can beat Trump. Arguably Trump’s legal woes pile up to the point that DeSantis might prevail.

If it wasn’t so consequential for real life, it would be a compelling soap opera.


Let’s be honest, that was the general modus operandi of ‘old media’ as well.
It’s just that the insanity of the modern world with social media, Fox News and the likes and the Trumps of this world would require less lazy narrative journalism more than ever. But then probably even fewer people would listen to that.

What is so frustrating about that is Barr publicly auditioned for the AG role by coming out of retirement to spam the RW airwaves with his legal theory of why Trump was allowed to do things he was being accused of, with a personal track record of being exactly the sort of person who would see his job as being on clean up. We knew who Barr was. He told us what he was going to do. He then did something that was not credible on its face. And the mainstream press ate it up and when it very quickly blew up there was no change in how they covered Barr or his words.

fuck you Don

A post was merged into an existing topic: Russian War Crimes (Part 2)

One the things that fascinates me about this guy is how his people dont hold him responsible for any of the decisions he makes. Ordinarily a leader is responsible for their hires, and all he ever says is that the people he hired were the problem…and his people dont think that undermines his credibility as a leader

The bloody cheek!

Think this is the root of the issue.

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Why can’t he get the subway like others do…