The Walking Eagle thread

There is some thought the DoJ can pressure her to recuse, but I think that is just resistance twitter making up what they want to be true. There is a reality that what is in this indictment is new to her and meaningfully different than what she was ruling on last time, and maybe there is a sense that Smith felt what they have so compelling that even a rabid partisan couldnt derail the case. If so, you have to think there is incredible political mileage in a case going successfully in her court.

Ha, who the fuck am I kidding. Trump and MAGA world will turn on her as part of the deep state the second she gives a ruling they dont like.

You dont see academic twitter (Ivy League history prof) with sick burns like this very often

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It would be nice to think so , but it’s equally likely that she would.

If she is indeed the trial judge she could make some of the most damning evidence in the indictment inadmissible. (All the stuff gleaned from Corcoran for example.)

She would also have the power to have the entire case dismissed , if , for instance , she upheld defence motions that the prosecutors were guilty of misconduct , which has already been claimed by Walt Nauta’s representatives.

I might be being a tad alarmist but when it comes to Trump and the law you have to suspect that just about anything is possible.

I had to turn that off. I just don’t get how experienced journalists allow a loudmouth like Jordan to talk all over them in an interview and essentially render the entire exercise meaningless.

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Perhaps the 11th will not allow it via an appeal, as suggested here?

I really don’t know enough.

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From what I’ve been reading the consensus seems to be that Jack Smith would not push for her to be removed. It’s a very rare occurence and were it to fail then he’s going to find himself up against a judge who might be even less accomodating since her impartiality has already been impugned.

Fair enough.

I guess the DOJ could always appeal.


I think we are seeing the implications of Trump appointing all those judges. Part of the plan was to build a hedge of protection around himself, so when his egregious crimes are, rightly, brought to trial, he will benefit from a favorable judge issuing wacky verdicts.

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It really shows the challenges the “institutionalists” face. Cannon is not qualified and has demonstrated that in her conduct since being appointed (in a lame duck session for Trump). That calls for a certain level of conduct towards her, but the people who are most in need of doing that are the ones most likely to consider themselves institutionalists and so feel backed into a corner of engaging with her and her ilk like they are a legitimate part of the process for fear of doing otherwise damages the insitution.

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“It is so wrong to weaponize the Justice system”, says the fans of the “Lock her up” guy. And now this…

Not that he understands this, but even if you did just think this was a tit for tat, it is a massive escalation in that given Smith, as special Counsel, was appointed by the AG not the president.

Fuck, he is a special special moron.


It is essential that he gets nowhere near the Presidency again. Hopefully Barr (corrupt bastard himself) is spot on, and the seriousness of the documents situation will mean that Trump is toast.

And after this one, when can we expect the Georgia election interfering case to come to fruition?

The fella is a stain and should be in jail.

Of course, nowadays he is a symptom of a wider problem, and I’m under no illusion that Trump being held to account will fix everything, but it will be a step - hopefully a significant step, in a better direction.


I saw on Twitter that even FOX talking heads are saying he is fucked.

I just read it, didn’t see the footage…perhaps the tide for the non-MAGA goobers has finally turned?

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If Trump can spin the case out 'til after the election (entirely possible) , then he or another Republican would either pardon him or get the case dismissed , should they win.

A charging decision will be made in Georgia after the first week in July and before September.

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The number of Republicans or MAGA adjacent people who have condemned him or taken this line are frightening low. However, I think there is relevance to a couple of the people who have, even if they have their own vested interest in doing so.

Chris Christie is out there sticking to him, but is doing so as a very calculated move as the only lane that exists for him in the GOP primary.

Jonathan Turley is the closest thing to a respected legal expert who has defended Trump over his many misdeeds, but seems to have finally jumped ship.

The biggest one though is Barr. He looks to be the one who wants to stick the knife in him. Barr is very much a survivor, well practiced as doing devious shit to advance the cause only to then maneuver himself into a position of distance and reputational rehabilitation, so you have to see this through that lends. But it’s relevant he’s still out there every day saying Trump should go down for this and it’s all his own fault.

The issue is, none of this matters. As long as the elected GOPs are out there condemning Biden and the DOJ over this anyone who turns on Trump will just be framed as Deep State.


Hahaha…fmd, I am a dumb kent.

Fox News, whose hosts had begun to distance themselves from the former president after a $787.5m settlement in defamation lawsuit over their airing of Trump and his supporters’ and US election lies, went back to breathlessly backing him.

Over a split screen of Trump’s speech in New Jersey and Biden’s at the White House Juneteenth celebration, the network’s chyron read: “Wannabe dictator speaks at the White House after having his political rival arrested.”

How dumb does one have to be to find such a ‘news report’ meaningful and appealing?

Most would claim that the climate catastrophe is the biggest threat to mankind but I disagree. It’s the sheer and utter stupidity and cuntiness of large sections of the global population, who gulp down bullshit like this that will be the end of us.


The two are linked. It’s the stupidity and ignorance of mankind that have caused climate catastrophe.

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P[quote=“RedArmada, post:1641, topic:287, full:true”]
How dumb does one have to be to find such a ‘news report’ meaningful and appealing?

Most would claim that the climate catastrophe is the biggest threat to mankind but I disagree. It’s the sheer and utter stupidity and cuntiness of large sections of the global population, who gulp down bullshit like this that will be the end of us.

I’d add that these same people that gulp the Trump cool aid also deny climate change. All down to the sun apparently.

The scientists who propose different hypotheses on climate change have been silenced apparently.

It’s another thing that can be laid squarely at the door of the Republican Party in the US. If it wasn’t for them and the oil industry lobbyists that bankroll them this issue would have been seriously addressed more than 30 years ago and the absolute catastrophe that is now upon us might have been averted.

ffs there are even congressmen today who still deny that climate change is actually a thing.


There is one but it’s more the purview of the right and NRA…